EPICon 2013

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EPICon 2013

Post by AngharadTy »

EPICon has started up, and there's no RS war or teams to choose from this time, but you can earn points! Points which you will be able to use at the end in a prize shop! You know you want prizes, so get crackin'.

So far, the only way to win points is Old Maid STEALTH BOMBER, the most BADASS GAME OF ALL.

You may recall I dislike this game. I dislike even more that on the Game Room page, someone classified it under the "Mind" category. Um?! Can we get that assigned to Chance, yo?

Anyway, I'm having some issues apart from "this game is random chance and boring"--sometimes I'm picking up extra cards (when opponents drop out, I assume cause they're somehow dropping out before drawing a card from me, which means they're... what, not spending pairs when they have them? Not playing the game properly?) and I'm not sure that should be happening. Maybe I just don't understand the fancy mechanics of Old Maid these days.

Also, there is... no way to actually make money over time on this? Maybe if you get super, super lucky? I have more wins than losses (tracking both in an excel sheet cause why not), but I've lost money overall. You only make 1k when you win (you get your 3k back plus 1k, because it's a pool), and obviously you're out 3k when you lose, so it takes a hell of a lot more wins to make up for that difference. If I weren't trying to get an achievement prize, I would not bother with this game. There is no reason for it to be a permanent addition to Subeta (especially in the Mind category, what even... I guess making matches is a deeply intellectual activity I'm not giving enough credit to).

edit: 25 wins means I earned 25k. I also got 15 losses in that time and from those I lost 45k. So, clearly a net loss (I did get the achievement prize, obviously, but that's an event thing). I will never play this again if I don't have to.

Still. I'm really excited about future EPICon things! I hope we get great games and great prizes.
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Re: EPICon 2013

Post by Foghawk »

Well, the expected value comes out to 0, so... that's fair? I guess? Good way to make sure nobody ever actually plays though. I've made a little bit of money, so I guess you were just really unlucky... but yeah, this game is still terrible. I honestly wouldn't have played at all if I hadn't been so thoroughly boned last time I ditched a plot because it was boring. (I will never, ever, ever get my hands on that Genetech SecondSkin.)

Maybe they'll bring back Minesweeper? I still really like Minesweeper.
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Re: EPICon 2013

Post by Silverevilchao »

Imagine my disappointment when it turned out that Stealth Bomber was not, in fact, a flash game where you blow things up.

I don't like online card games (too much loading...all I remember is "Cheat!" from Neopets a decade ago), soooo uhhhhhh
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Re: EPICon 2013

Post by Cranberry »

I saw that Tom's status over on Subeta yesterday was something like "Stealth Bomber makes time go backwards," and I concur.
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Re: EPICon 2013

Post by Marah »

Tedious. So slow, only 6 wins so far. Don not want :(

I join the hate club, obviously.
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Re: EPICon 2013

Post by TCStarwind »

I don't like this game at all. Mainly because I don't really understand how it works (my family doesn't play card games, so I never learned any). I understand matching pairs, not holding the joker, getting rid of cards thing, but I don't understand how I won when I'm not the first to discard all my cards. Or how I won when I still had a card left. I'm so confused, but I'll take it if it means getting this over with quicker.

Edit: Wait, is it just not losing? I think I get it now.
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Re: EPICon 2013

Post by Joey »

At least it's running better today than it was yesterday? I missed out on about half the points because it was ridiculously slow when it wasn't outright broken.
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Re: EPICon 2013

Post by AngharadTy »

Foghawk wrote:I honestly wouldn't have played at all if I hadn't been so thoroughly boned last time I ditched a plot because it was boring. (I will never, ever, ever get my hands on that Genetech SecondSkin.)
Well, I participated in that plot... but they only released the tiniest handful of those items and said they'll never release more, cause they're special. Right about now when I'm trying my hardest to think of a decent HA to enter (running out of time, gonna give up and enter slendy again, I guess), I could really, really use that wishlist item of mine. I love being a zombie most of the time, but it really counts against you during these HA contests.
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Re: EPICon 2013

Post by Jessi »

Sudoku got released tonight, which means I'm pretty much happy for the rest of forever. I love Sudoku. I love online Sudoku that's built well with a Notes tool. I am happy. Very, very happy. Which is good, because Stealth Bomber can go die in a very, very, very hot fire.
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Re: EPICon 2013

Post by AngharadTy »

FYI, there's a page that tracks your EPICon points for the day.

It might be glitchy. Lots of reports of Stealth Bomber points being off, although we can't get bonus points for that right now anyway. I hope to god my 25 wins and however many losses counted for something, cause right now it says 0 on that page. Not sure how to actually track what I've earned, cause... gee, why would they show you your total point count? It's not like it's relevant to you in any way. Ha ha. (Edit: I played one game of Stealth Bomber [kill me] and it says 1/10, so you can get 10 points per day playing the old maid game, just no bonus points. And you can't see your total points still.)

On the plus side, their sudoku game is really good. It has all the features I want, looks good, and I'm having fun with it.
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Re: EPICon 2013

Post by Sunwolf »

I don't understand the point system at all. When I sat through 25 games of Stealth Bomber yesterday, it only gives me Epicon points for 10? What a rip-off!

Stealth Bomber is boring as hell, and I'm terrible at number games like Sudoku. I don't see myself earning enough points for anything this year, unless they release Solitaire. Now that I would happily play for hours!
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Re: EPICon 2013

Post by Cranberry »

I haven't played even one game of Subeku yet. I really hate Sudoku. I'm not much of a games fan in general, though, although I would also enjoy Solitaire... and checkers. I like checkers!

I think the points work this way: you can play any EPICon game 10x per day for a maximum of 10 points. With the featured game, you can earn an extra 10 points if you win 10x. So once we're really into the event and there are a bunch of games out, you could make a lot of points in a day (20 from the featured game and 10 from every other game).
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Re: EPICon 2013

Post by Gumdrops »

For some reason, I'm finding Medium easier to play than Very Easy on Subeku. Weird
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Re: EPICon 2013

Post by lavender »

If anyone is online now, the 2nd sticker is in the token shop right now.
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Re: EPICon 2013

Post by Marah »

I can't get subeku to play on my smart phone. (Android) is there anything I can do about that? We are allowed on our phones in between customers at my job and I love sudoku so this would be a really perfect way to make some sp and epicon points. I just got my phone yesterday (really fancy birthday present) so I might be missing something. any tips?
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