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Post by duenorth »

This is about as miscellaneous as it gets, but here goes anyway.

I've been messing around with my Neohome over the last few days (whyyyy is furniture so expensive? or scratch that, why are most of the Neohome items that actually look nice so expensive?) and have hit upon a dilemma.

I set up my Neohome so that each of my pets and their petpet have a bed to sleep in. While doing that, I got to thinking about what sort of creature each one is. As a result, I bought a Bubble Tub for my faerie Peophin to sleep in, because I thought that as a water based animal she would probably be more comfortable there instead of in a normal bed. Similarly, her Peo petpet has a Feepit Petpet Bath Bucket to sleep in.

All of this to ask: what sort of bed do you think a Kazeriu would sleep in?

(and apropos of nothing, the Turmac Bread Box is my new favorite Neohome item; while it's huge for a bread box, it makes a perfect base to build things on top of)
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Post by AngharadTy »

I'd give a Kazeriu a little cloud of some sort, since they're little wind-dragons.
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Post by Huggles »

I agree. Cloud rugs are nice and relatively inexpensive too. And you must post a link to your neohome. Or pm it to me. Neohomes are my new obsession. I've even gone so far as to POST ON THE NEOBOARDS about them.
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Post by duenorth »

I wound up using a Bubble Bean Bag-- thanks for the suggestion, Ty!

My Neohome is here:

It's really dinky and unfancy compared to some of the ones I've seen you guys do, but I'm trying to make things special for my four main pets-- one's a gardener, so her room has lots of plants, one's a little young, so she has lots of toys and things to play with, and the front room has a sort of mini Soup Kitchen that ties into the story for that account.
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Post by Huggles »

Neat. I like looking at just about any neohome, even the ones that make my eyes bleed, if only to rant about them later. Plus, stories and themes make it more interesting. I'll take a simple one over one filled to bursting with crap any day.
Anna the Red
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Post by Anna the Red »

I like your Neohome! Especially the Bathroom/Kitchen, which was just very well laid out, and I love how you seperated them.

And yeah, bathtubs for your Peophin and stuff is a great idea! I'm very impressed.
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Post by Wingsrising »

Nice! I like the thing you've got going with the Regal Oak beds and putting stuff on top of them. My only observation is that you have to walk through one of the bedrooms to get to one of the other bedrooms, which would be illegal in New Jersey. ;-) (Well, at least if your Neopets were tenants...)
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Post by danceu4ia »

I really really like it! Simple, but everyroom looks realistic. :D

And the Bubble Bean Bag was a good idea.

If you don't mind sharing, how much did that cost you, about?
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Post by duenorth »

danceu4ia wrote:If you don't mind sharing, how much did that cost you, about?
Oh boy. I... honestly have no idea; I know building in Shenkuu was 13k right off the bat. A lot of the furniture that I started out with had been sitting in my deposit box for ages-- there's a ton of things that I used that were originally acquired through various Advent calenders, and some things that were gifts from my awesome Secret Santa/various Neocolours-ers.

The Potion Table cost me around 50k; that and the Water Faerie Oven are probably the most expensive things that I have in there.

All together, I'd put the cost at somewhere between 200 and 300k? That sounds about right, what with the thing being the Neopoint sink that it is.

And yeah, Wingsrising, I've been meaning to swap the back room/first bed room around for a month or so now-- it makes better sense for the publicly open room to go into an eating area/living room instead of right into a private bed room--but I keep putting it off. :P

Thank you for all of the lovely compliments, guys!
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Post by phoebemittens »

I'm still waiting for my Shenkuu land application to go through, grrr. 3 more hours!

Yours is lovely though, I particularly like realistic-feeling rooms. We might even end up neighbours. :D
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Post by Wingsrising »

duenorth wrote:And yeah, Wingsrising, I've been meaning to swap the back room/first bed room around for a month or so now-- it makes better sense for the publicly open room to go into an eating area/living room instead of right into a private bed room--but I keep putting it off. :P
Hee, yeah. There are few rooms I've considered switching around, but in the end the difficulty of moving all the furniture has just made me decide to leave things as they were. I wish there was a way we could change doorways and move whole rooms without removing all the furniture first.
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Post by Marah »

I have exactly one lousy garden finished and emptied my house. And I don't even can enjoy the garden that much because the fence keeps jumping in front of the tree. (<frustration)

Anyways: I really like your rooms, I also love what you did with the regal beds. And I have neves seen that catnip garden before, it is pretty cool!

And are you switching rooms now, Nunolea's room is full with piled furniture :)
And I rather like that your neohome is not so big, it's cosy!
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Post by duenorth »

Marah wrote:And are you switching rooms now, Nunolea's room is full with piled furniture
It's all fixed now-- and funny (well, not so funny to me, as it meant a lot of annoyance and click clicking) story, but I flopped the rooms, decided I didn't like them that way, unflopped them, and am currently trying to work up some sort of hallway-thing with my faithful Violet Shelf Units.
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Post by phoebemittens »

Gah! My application went through and now I live at 65620 , Shenkuu. I didn't even end up on a street.

I submitted a bug report, but I'm damn annoyed.
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