RL Achievements and ToW-split 2/16/09

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Post by ladynight6 »

FaerieInGrey wrote:As far as I can read, yes, Ladynight. But if you are able to submit before then, better safe than sorry.
I sent mine in!
Yay Achievement!
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Post by Kari »

Woe: Found out that my back pain is caused by a bulging disc. At least the MRI said so. Have to go to an orthopedic doctor now :D
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Post by dandelions »

I should probably be a little quiet for a few days...I've overstretched myself a bit and have an 18-part list of things which need doing, and doing soon (two mock exams, a coursework draft, things to be bought, Christmas presents to be sorted out, individual assignment notes to be finished, etc). Don't be surprised if I'm not on MSN, or if I fail my M2 mock.
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Post by Slugawoo »

Lots of woes for me: Beagle puppies have sharp teeth. T_T My thumb hurts.

I need to find a recent picture of myself before tomorrow morning, and I do not take pictures often. Most recent I can think of is fron 8th grade and its hidden in a box somewhere. ...Damn scholorship application. >.<;

AND my PS2 is broken. It works for about 20 minutes and then just turns off. And it's not because it's getting too hot or anything like that. I've air blasted the dust out of it twice now, so it's all nice and clean. ...Just not working. ;_; I miss Rubedo and Amaterasu already.
Last edited by Slugawoo on 05 Dec 2006 12:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by anzuronamin »

Slugawoo wrote:Lots of woes for me: Beagle puppies have sharp teeth. T_T My thumb hurts.
I'll take the pups :D *misses her Beagle*


But um, remember those tests and stuff? Yeah, I did okay on 'em all except for math. Damn you, geometry! Damn you!

Oh, and a happy. I installed GIMP.

Oh is the wonder of it all. *worships*
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Post by Monkeyguy »

:( : I took a few days off for Thanksgiving and my paycheck today was $300 less than it normally is. I'm never taking days off again lol!
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Post by Wingsrising »

I was trimming my cat Stormy's back claws and only when I was done realized I'd knicked the quick of several nails. Her claws are dark just like the rest of her, so it's had to see where the quick is and I apparently guessed wrong. :-(

Poor kitty. I gave her some freeze-dried chicken treats to try to make it up to her, but I feel like such a horrible cat mom.

If I trim the back claws in the future I'll have to be careful only to get the very tippy-tip to make sure.
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Post by AngharadTy »

Well, if you only realized it when you were done, then she probably didn't mind that much. The only time I've ever seen that done on a cat, it yowled and zoomed around the room, getting tiny droplets of blood on the couch, the floor, the walls... haha. So don't feel too badly. At least that didn't happen to you.
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Post by gomababe »

Well this probably isn't much of an achievement to most people but it is to me so there :P. I managed to stand up on the train for the entire half hour journey this morning without knocking anyone over, bumping into anyone or not being able to balance properly in general *dances*

The woe is that there's a pretty strong gale force wind out right now and the window I'm sitting next to at the moment is creaking quite a bit as is the celing just above me :?.
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Post by Aurinona »

Wingsrising wrote:I was trimming my cat Stormy's back claws and only when I was done realized I'd knicked the quick of several nails. Her claws are dark just like the rest of her, so it's had to see where the quick is and I apparently guessed wrong. :-(
Ugh, I've always hated doing black claws; it's so hard to tell what you're doing. I'd say to try a Dremel, but I don't suppose it would work so well on cats. =P (A pity, because it's a godsend for dog claws! Grinding is SO much nicer than clipping.)

Here's my achievement for the weekend: I stood outside in the freezing cold (probably around 12 degrees F) and managed to snag a Wii yesterday. Huzzah!
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Post by rebelheart »

Achievement: A friend of my boyfriend donated a used motherboard to us, a gig of ram and graphics card included. It has a 2.6 Ghz processor, apparently. We're not so sure yet. My old PC is still a pentium III with 1 GHz, so this will be faaaaaast.

ToW: Inevitably to follow up. Read this space next week to hear all about backing up all my files, formatting and partioning my harddrive and installing a new windows (oh joy!) a gazillion drivers and all programs...
Ahh. I'm scared already.
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Post by General Erin »

Woe: I have a 30 page paper due on Friday about some aspect of Russian history/culture.
Woe 2.0: I haven't even picked the topic.
And general woes: next week is finals.
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Post by Fullmetal Dragon »

rebelheart wrote:ToW: Inevitably to follow up. Read this space next week to hear all about backing up all my files, formatting and partioning my harddrive and installing a new windows (oh joy!) a gazillion drivers and all programs...
Ahh. I'm scared already.
Don't forget the inevitable programs and/or files that you realize only AFTER you've formatted your hard drive that you forgot to back up D: D: D:

No, this does not happen to me. Why do you ask?
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Post by Wingsrising »

If you're going to replace a hard drive, I'd consider using a disk cloning program like Acronis or Norton Ghost. That's what I used when I upgraded to a spiffy 7200 rpm 80 G hard drive in my laptop and it worked without a hitch. (If it's just the hard drive you don't even need to reinstall Windows, but I don't know how Windows reacts to a totally new motherboard.)
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Post by rebelheart »

I have two hard drives, a 40gig with a single partition with Windows on, and a 200gig (of which only 120 are currently being recognized by my old BIOS) with currently 4 partitions. A new windows will require new drivers and such but you will keep the old ones and it's just useless data. My current windows install is almost four years old and windows is the last thing that gets better with age LOL. So I'll completely clean up the 40gig drive and put two partitions on it, and install a fresh new windows on the smaller one.
Now remembering to save everything you will need later is the first task.
Currently I'm trying to find the passwords for my webspace. They are saved in my WS_FTP but I don't know them anymore :X I used to have them in an email in my hotmail, which got eaten when I hadn't logged in in 30 days...

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