New Pet! The Sage! (Renamed the Mahar)

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
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Post by daisybell »

I think it's weird and don't especially like it. Perhaps that's just because I'm not that into dragon creatures. The gems in its flesh seem sort of creepy to me, so I suppose I'll just have to not think about that too much.

I miss the serene expression on the old dragon's face, and while this is a good alternative, it's not quite the same. The tail seems sort of odd, perhaps because there are so many bends in it- it looks a bit like it doesn't have bones. The species name is pretty, though.
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Post by adi_gallia »

I don't know what to say. Firstly I hope that when this comes in Angelic I hope it manages to look a bit like the Angelic Dragon as it does now, or that DNA doesn't revamp it too badly. I don't know why I'm so bothered, I don't even have one of them, but I always liked them and though of getting one. I would have rather seen the Dragon redrawn because there are a lot of Dragon pets now.

At the moment I like the head of the Sage, I don't really like the rest of it, only because the thought of jewels being stored in it's flesh is creeping me out. The tail and the back leg is also kind of squished, if I put my hand over that area I like the pet better.

I think I will still get one though, I have a Guardian type pet, which is currently an Archan. I have seen all possible redraws for the Archan that I wanted and it has failed to impress me. This could be exactly the type of pet I need to fit the personality. I'm not sure though, I would much prefer the idea of a ghostly lion guardian thing than a Dragon, maybe if I get someone else to draw me an Archan I will pretend the real art doesn't exist. If I can bring myself away from the lion idea, I have another species to turn to at least, if I can ignore my gripes with it, which are lesser than mine with the Archan.
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Post by Twofold Black »

Huggles wrote:Somehow, on some distant rock, there could exist a creature using those colors as camouflage. Maybe...If god plays tabletop rpgs. I digress.
He plays Exalted, and the Sage is very, very Exalted. You can tell because it has a pierced ear and is covered with hearthstones. (Funnily enough, that was the first thing I thought when I saw it -- 'wow, I've been up to my eyeballs in Exalted material for days, and we get an eastern dragon with a pierced ear. Maybe if I read more Unknown Armies they'll give us another insect pet.')
Last edited by Twofold Black on 05 Sep 2007 01:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Spivsy »

I don't like it, I really really really don't like it. It's ugly, awkward and another damn dragon.
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Post by Fever »

I am very thrilled by this! I will definitely be waiting for the elixirs to come out to turn one of my pets into these. Gold is my favorite non redraw colour, but I cant wait to see some of the redraws! Im so happy a dragon of this type was brought back, and if it couldnt be the original Dragon (which I may have prefered a little to making ANOTHER dragon pet, but meh), im glad they created the Sage.

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Post by gomababe »

I take it that I'm the only one not bothered by the jewels being stored in the Sage's flesh? I thought it was a common thing with Western medieaval dragons to lie on top of their treasure and some of it would embed on the dragon's underbelly and give it some degree of protection there. True the Sage is nothing like a Western dragon, but I think of the Sage as kinda doing the same thing, except making sure its jewels don't get stolen rather than using them as protection.
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Post by AngharadTy »

*blinks* I think that plenty of people, like myself, like or even adore the embedded jewels.
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Post by adi_gallia »

I think it's more the idea of jewels being embedded in it creeps me out, not anything to do with Dragon legend/myth. I'm justing imagining how it would feel to have jewels embedded in my skin and it makes me cringe.
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Post by Strawberry Limeade »

Oooh pretty!! Scheherazade might get changed again! I think I might wait for redraws though. So pretty.

I really like Nuclear, except I think that the earring should be gold and not that same, internal glowing blue that the eyes are. Plus it looks like there's hints of pixelation around it. That said, it's my favorite Nuclear by a mile.
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Post by dandelions »

Hmmm. This pet might well be an argument as to why rating a pet immediately is not a good idea. Logically, I am willing to believe that the newest pet on Subeta can be the best-drawn, and therefore the most popular single species. However, I find it very hard to believe that six of the top ten non-redraws on Subeta should belong to a single species. Also, that a pet without an image can be rated at an average of 4.7 by ten people, and therefore be the top-rated pet on the site (I think it's now second) seems a bit strange to me. I'm aware that you can all see the Gold(en) here, but still, it seems a lot higher than the scale people have been rating the other pets on.
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Post by bonecrivain »

Hmm. I'm not terribly fond of this pet. My first impulse, of course, is, "Why on earth do we need another dragon pet?" I understand the staff's reasoning here (let's give them a new pet they'll adore, so they'll forget about the other rather ugly, shapeless one), but I still think it's a bit inane.

But tossing that slight annoyance aside, I'm still not fond of the actual art for this creature. I haven't read through what everyone else has said yet, but other than the face (mostly the whiskers, let's be honest), I'm really not fond of the anatomy. I do like the gold one, simply because it's clever and the embedded jewels seem more logical and, well, shiny. And I do like shiny things. (I particularly like the red/orange jewels on the horns.) I am massively creeped out by the eyeball/maggot gems in the body, though. It reminds me of the lovely Experiment #84, but not in a good way. The thing is, this pet doesn't *have* scales on its sides for jewels to become embedded in. So they're just squished into the flesh, and that disturbs me. Perhaps I'm too squeamish and am looking at the pet too literally, but ick. Not a fan.

I do like the shiny jewel-horns, though. And the whiskers.
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Post by Sarivonne »

adi_gallia wrote:I hope that when this comes in Angelic I hope it manages to look a bit like the Angelic Dragon as it does now, or that DNA doesn't revamp it too badly.
I currently love the angelic dragon, and the DM is very nice too. And I simply worry that it's going to be revamped. I love the sleek body of the angelic. The art is not out of date, and it has wings. PLEASE don't revamp the entire pet just because of the whiskers :(

See, I wouldn't mind so much...but DNA has the tendency to completely null the original pose, then bulk it up with muscles...and change the feeling. I love how it looks now...spunky. *crosses fingers*

I'm still mixed on the sage. It's a good replacement, but I hope this is the last dragon pet they make.

Currently subeta has:

Paralix, Dragon, Magnus, Dragarth, Sage
Metal Dragons:
Endeavor, Cadogre
= 7 dragon types (eep)

Kumos, Montre, Ruffie, Telenine
Fox-like (canine class)
Keeto, Kerubi

Felines...actually I'm not going to count XD But yeah. I think Subeta is good when it comes to Dragons, Felines, and Canines. Malticorn and Terracoon make me happy because I have no idea what they are. So I can't say 'Malticorn is a dog-!...Er...Horse! ..' Sheeta is obviously some kind of goat pet, and I love it. But yes, I hope there will be nice redraws for the Sage. I've been a bit bored lately as subeta has been focusing more on clothing and less on pet colors :/
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Post by FourEyes »

Wow, this is really quite nice. Maybe I should stop slacking off on my quests so I can finally buy one of those Mystical Plushies. =P
...Oops. *searching for a smaller sig*
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Post by Twofold Black »

Sarivonne wrote:Currently subeta has:

Paralix, Dragon, Magnus, Dragarth, Sage
Metal Dragons:
Endeavor, Cadogre
= 7 dragon types (eep)

Kumos, Montre, Ruffie, Telenine
Fox-like (canine class)
Keeto, Kerubi

Felines...actually I'm not going to count XD But yeah. I think Subeta is good when it comes to Dragons, Felines, and Canines. Malticorn and Terracoon make me happy because I have no idea what they are. So I can't say 'Malticorn is a dog-!...Er...Horse! ..' Sheeta is obviously some kind of goat pet, and I love it.
The Terracoon is supposed to racoonlike -- before the revamp this was ambiguous, it looked more like a weird ferret lizard, but with the striped tail it's pretty clear now that it's a cartoon fantasy racoon.

Which reminds me that I would like to see a reptilian pet that <i>isn't</i> a dragon. I could even make an argument for the Serpenth as being more dragonlike than not, which leaves only the Velosotor.[1] There are other interesting reptiles. Or to put it another way, give us a crocodile! Need snaggly teeth!

[1] I could also make an argument for the Paralix, Dragarth and Sage as not being meaningfully reptilian. Skeletally, they are very mammal-like. Moreover, two of them have <i>hair</i>. Which is not to say they aren't still dragons.
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Post by TCD »

Wow, bonecrivan managed to say what I was about to.

I will say it is a good compromise between Old!Dragon and New!Dragon, though.
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