checkers' behaviour

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Post by dandelions »

Improving all the time? I don't see it that way. From the last three days alone:
I dunno, I'm no good with CSS xD

and for the weapon, im hopeless with battling *shuts up*
Thanks for all your help I'll go with Drugal or Intestine.
and Bowla for the Blueberry.

A third reply was simply saying "comment will go here", on an art thread. Those three posts are empty and lack any sort of meaning.

And then two PMs- telling me to unlock the topic he created which broke the rules, and telling me that it didn't matter what I'd answered because he'd gone ahead and done something anyway. And then bragging about making empty posts, putting in an avatar which broke the size guidelines, using the forum logo as his signature (direct-linking it, too), and typing in tiny text when I've specifically said I find it very difficult to read. (Check the time on my post compared to his recent posts; I've said it earlier than them and yet he's ignored it.) Then there's calling the site "trampish" when I've done everything I can reasonably do on this site. I reiterate: nothing I have cited is from later than three days ago.
He's been rude but apologised when called out on it.
He has not once apologised to my knowledge.
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Post by bonecrivain »

Apologies don't mean much when the behavior continues unabated.
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Post by dandelions »

I would like to say at this point that I do not condone the replies of many of the posters on this thread, even if I do dislike the way in which checkers posts. I would prefer it if people could keep discussion here civil.
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Post by Joey »

I have no tolerance for his shenanigans. Our rules are few and easy to follow, why someone can't do this is beyond me. I choose to ignore him as much as my modly powers allow.

I think his actions in this thread speak for themselves.
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Post by Trick »

dandelions wrote:He has not once apologised to my knowledge.
Search function has plenty of sorry's from Checkers. As for the rest, I do think he's improving all the time. Like I said, my opinion.

No one so far on this Site Suggestions thread has actually suggested anything. I would therefore ask that unless anyone does have a suggestion to bring to the table what is the point in this if anything?

Really, do something or don't. But the constant bitching about Checkers and other "annoying" users is extremely off putting.

Edit: and I do hope all the many opinions of people are being expressed here where we all can see it.
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Post by daisybell »

The point of this? Well, since I started it, I'd like to say the reason for it is to make checkers aware that there are lots of members of this community who think his behaviour is not okay- beyond not okay, in fact, in the case of some of the rudeness he's shown. And the members of the community here do have a lot of say- after all, the ordinary members form the majority of the people posting and reading and being active on the community. So far, we haven't shown what we think. Perhaps by doing so, rationally and as objectively as we can, we can try to avoid the bitching and so on that goes on behind the scenes.

But I did not intend this to be a flamefest, and throwing around insults is just as bad behaviour as anything we called checkers out on. Returning like with like just reduces us all to toddler level and gets us nowhere.

Also, "sorry" doesn't mean very much when it isn't followed up by action. If I (and others) really thought that checkers was genuinely making a big effort to think before he posted (and that is what a lot of this comes down to- we're all guilty of pressing "submit" too hastily sometimes) then it wouldn't have come to this.

As for banning, I did say that this was not a ban topic. It still isn't, from what I can see. However, you don't have to do something huge to get banned- let me illustrate. Every time someone (anyone posting, not just checkers) posts something that's spammy or rude, or uses an avatar or signature that's inappropriate for reasons of size or content, or breaks any other rule in a small way, it's like a drop in a bucket. It takes a long time to fill the bucket up with small drops, but eventually it will fill up and overflow and start being a problem. All of us at some time have done things that add drops to the bucket, but checkers has been adding drops to his bucket more quickly than the rest of us and it's looking like it will become a big problem instead of being a collection of small problems. Or, if you don't like the bucket metaphor, small rule breakings on their own don't mean much, but when they add up then they do become a big rule breaking.

And finally, I'm sorry if I used words you don't understand, checkers. It wasn't intentional and I didn't deliberately try to intimidate you with my vocabulary. I do try to use clear English for the sake of people whose first language isn't English.
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Post by covet »

I spend most of my time in the Offsite Games section of the forum, so I'll admit I havn't seen too much of Checkers. But I do skim most of the other forums reasonably regularly, and hadn't noticed there was a problem at all.

From looking back at Checker's posts and doing a little forum exploring, I see the point re:rudeness, and understand why it merits a warning. But I do think there are older members who can be and are often far harsher in talking to others. These are usually some of the most the intelligent, quick witted forum members, so no one calls them on it.

A lot of the once annoying as hell newbies are still around, and have become valued forum members. Sometimes I think we need to invite [name blocked] back to give us all a little persepective.
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Post by checkers »

Aw *warms to Trick*
Thankyou *actually truly means it*
Lily Was Here
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Post by dandelions »

Okay, if you must point me to the search function:
A sorry on this thread, which is a little too soon to take as an apology.
That's the complete list of them sorry
Sorry for the rubbish colouring
A "sorry" from someone else's post, quoted by checkers.
Ok, ok I just forgot to because the apis' description i said tyrannian petpetpb and apis so i thought they'd get it then i didnt for the others because the apis didnt.
Sorry k?
;-; sorry i didnt get names. xD but i cant find them now o_o eegad what a kafuffle
Sorry for the reused topic, but this is a current active one ^^
i just feel sorry for people who paid that much originally
sorry when I get started I never stop, but that could be a little description
LOL sorry but I
did have big plans but since the colours
alright I'll pound to a friend/side =D
Oh sorry , so what do you think?
That very last one- the earliest of all the posts - is in response to me moving a topic of his. That is the only one which appears to be a genuine apology, and it does not address any of the issues raised in my post.

I do not know what should be done. I am very distracted at the moment and considering that checkers has entirely ignored me up to this point, I do not feel that I would be able to mete out a punishment.
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Post by oogabooga »

I maybe should first say that I am very easily annoyed, so what I find irritating may seem minor to other people. On the other hand, it takes quite a bit to make me dislike an individual person...

I didn't notice Checkers for a long time, since I never visit the petpets forum, but once he started posting in other forums I started to find it annoying. At first it was mostly the posts with no point to them, but after a while, whenever I see the name, I expect it to be something annoying, and so I think I tend to judge more harshly. For example: It probably isn't a big deal to post a matching pet when a petpet is mentioned, but it also isn't necessary and nobody else does it. Had some established user done that, I wouldn't have given it a second thought. I admit that. However, Checkers has done nothing that balances out small things like that, whereas basically anyone else who's been here several months has contributed something and given me more of an overall positive impression - so I was annoyed.

It does seem somewhat unfair that people I know better get more leeway - but I think that's just the way things work. We as a forum could probably do better about jumping on people about small things, but at the same time, if people don't know the rules they do need to be told. We as a community have some rights to decide how newcomers should act, don't you think? I really don't consider our rules excessive - as someone mentioned before, behavior like this would already have gotten Checkers banned at some other forums. We're pretty tolerant. But we do have some preferences, and Checkers hasn't been respecting those and hasn't changed despite being requested and warned multiple times.

Something needs to change, Checkers. That's what's being asked here. Daisy said this part better than I can, so I'll just refer back to her posts - read them. Please. I'm sure you can manage to fit in, if you just reconsider your posting habits. Think before you post.
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Post by Cheese »

oogabooga wrote:It does seem somewhat unfair that people I know better get more leeway
In fairness, that does happen to an extent - I can go weeks without posting anything of real worth or substance and it doesn't bother anybody.

However I do sometimes post something worthwhile, and I'm sure I do still bother some people.
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Post by Huggles »

I guess being a mod requires me to post my opinion. I don't like Checkers, and I'm fairly certain he doesn't like me. After whatever was the last time I responded to him, I've pretty much just ignored all of his posts and refuse to take part in any sort of moderator action in regards to him because of my bias. However, I don't believe his behavior has improved. At best, I'd say that it hasn't gotten worse. It's quite true that other people have been or are annoying, but the key difference is that they aren't giving us attitude when/if we ask them not to do something or respond to them as a moderator. Plus, they actually follow through and do what we ask. We shouldn't have to tell someone not do to something, then tell them not to do the exact same thing again and again and again throughout the day or week. At this point, that's all I really care about. I just want him to actually listen to us in regards to the rules, and follow them anyway if he can't understand why they are what they are. That's it. Oh, and stop with the backsteat modding.

As long as he does that, then he can be as annoying as always and anyone else who doesn't like what he has to say will just have to ignore him.
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Post by Aurinona »

I don't have anything to say about checkers, but I do recall that in the past, when there was a problem with a user, an ignore-user extension was recommended. I can't vouch for the effectiveness of it, but it might help those who are currently annoyed and who use Firefox.
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Post by Madge »

User hide doesn't work in Firefox 2.0, much to my dismay :(.

As far as checkers goes, I'm one of those people who doesn't go to any effort whatsoever to hide her dislike of people. I think it would be safe to say that he knows I don't like him, but it doesn't stop him posting on my petpet matching threads and complimenting me about achievements. Which really grates me.

The insult on my art thread... meh. Jazzy gave him an appropriate and fitting punishment for that, so he has already been rebuked for it.

Really? The whole first page of this post is full of flaming, which kind of sucks.

Incidentally, while any one of the incidents people mention would be fine when coming from an established user, I think that if someone (say, me - hopefully I qualify as established? Liked I'm not so sure about :P) made all of checker's posts, even though I'd be making my normal posts in addition to the annoying ones, I think people would still at least discuss amongst themselves about how annoying I've become lately, and that they wish I'd stop making so many needless posts and just stick to the "good" ones.
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Post by Garrett »

Checkers reminds me of myself when I first started off here, well, a lot of the earlier part of my Neocolours history. I remember being rude, spamming a lot and being a constant nuisance to many of the user of the forum. I remeber making silly threads about nothing, having a huge flaming war with Gibbly in a thread (and those were just my first 20 posts) and making a fake account just for the attention.

My constant disruptive and immature behaviour got to the point where I was banned from the old forum (where I joined back once again 3 days later, but no need to get into that). I was voted out by 101 members to 1 (myself). It was then that I realised I needed to change how I was acting on this forum, and pretty much grow up.

Now I'm not saying grow up, well actually I am, but I'll explain why. Firstly, post if you want to post. Don't just post for no reason, it's pointless. Secondly, throughout your time at NC, you are not going to like everyone, and not everyone is going to like you (trust me, I know). Don't attack them for not liking you, just let them have that opinion.

Also, on the second one, not everyone likes me here. I've been here for 3 years now, and I know for a fact that not everyone likes me, but they still listen to my opinions. They listen to what I have to say, because they respect my opinions. I'd ask that you do the same to myself, and other members that have posted suggestions on how you can improve yourself here. They aren't personal attacks, they are suggestions.
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