Five account rule?

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Five account rule?

Post by Symmie »

Do you guys actually follow that five account rule? Or try too but fail? I'm curious. ;o

As an example, my friend likes to stalk the "LOL ABANDONING MAI ISLAND LOOP" boards and collects nine million painted pets... ANYWAY. She literally has more than thirty accounts and she hasn't been frozen yet. Does TNT really freeze people for this now? I have seven and I'm being paranoid about it.
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Post by Cranberry »

If they catch you, yes. It's a rule for a reason.
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Post by dandelions »

Seven is tricky. I heard from a staff friend three years ago (and yes, that means you should probably assume that it might not still apply) that they never bothered freezing anyone with six unless they were breaking the rules otherwise, but seven's starting to push it.

Your friend is a twit for collecting pets indiscriminately and will almost certainly be frozen if she's not very careful. Multiple account freezings are among the most common types of freezings.
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Post by yvonne_l_d »

They will freeze her if they find out. Just because she hasn't been frozen yet, it doesn't mean that she won't get frozen. I do my best to follow the rules, because I enjoy the game, and I want to continue playing on my current accounts for a long time.
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Post by Symmie »

Her computer commited suicide recently and she lost the passwords to... everything. It's kind of funny. OMG I'M MEAN.

I'm currently adopting out some pets so I can self freeze like... one account. I'll probably feel better after that.
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Post by Iggy »

I have five, self-froze my sixth recently.

And, five is too much for me to handle, at the moment.
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Post by Officer 1BDI »

I have four, but only three of them contain my pets. The fourth is a "spare" that I keep potential labbies on.

I don't think I could ever manage more than that. I struggled enough to get the 11 pets I have now; any more and I might just give up the game out of sheer frusterations.

You're probably safe (for now, anyway) so long as you keep low, but I would never recommend a user have more than 5 accounts. Your friend, on the other hand, will probably get busted a lot sooner if she continues to pound snipe so recklessly.
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Post by Anna the Red »

I've got three, but every now and then I'll be like 'I SHOULD ONLY HAVE ONE ACCOUNT' but I can never bring myself to get rid of all of my pets, and I end up getting them back anyway. Oeeb's been abandoned two times I think now.

It's a good thing I agonise over every single decision I ever make, or else I would have a lot more pets. The only snap decision pets I have are recreating my first pet, adopting Mossy and agreeing to adopt Zap. Out or so pets. I had to really think about each pet before I get it, or I end up regretting it and ditching them.

Oooh, this is getting long. So, yeah, not hard for me to keep to the five account rule. It's hard enough to have three and pay attention to all of them and make sure they actually have personalities.
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Post by Rainbow Daydreamer »

I have five, and I would give my back teeth and radio to be allowed six. There never is enough room for fosters. But if the price of extra space is risking my twelve beautiful permies... it's always going to be too high.
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Post by sureq »

I had five, and then I created an account with a name I really wanted and had six. And the four months it took my new account to age before I could transfer all my pets over were a complete worry. I was sure I was going to log onto my accounts to find everyone frozen.

I had four pets on the account I was freezing, and I couldn't wait the four extra days to transfer everybody to the new one, I froze a pet with the old account I was so afraid of the freeze ray.
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Post by Jessi »

I've had six at a time, but that was usually me waiting for an account to age and self-freeze the old one. I currently have five, and I WISH we could have at least an extra pet slot on each. Personally, I don't think it's worth the risk. Having six, you might not get caught, but anything above that and you run that risk. I wouldn't even risk having six ;_;
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Post by Xulael »

I have five, but I nearly always end up with a sixth I eventually get around to getting rid of. Like right now. XD I don't like being over the 5 limit. I'd love to be able to get more pets with less accounts, but it probably won't happen.

Once upon a time, a user gave out like 9 draiks, but refused to transfer them in the pound (despite draiks not being that valueable back then). So, the new owners were forced to "co-own". The original owner proceeded to let someone with like...forty accounts tend to one of the draik accounts (after draik value rose). Death to all of the forty accounts, death to some draiks, and even... death to many of the forty-owner's neofriends. Ouch!

Lesson: Do not get so many freaking accounts, it's annoying and stupid.
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Post by Usul_Princess »

I've called premium, and if you have the $15.95 deal, I was told that you can have 5 sub accounts plus your main. I might be completely wrong on this, but I've been told this by premium over the phone more than once.

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Post by Illuen »

Usul_Princess wrote:I've called premium, and if you have the $15.95 deal, I was told that you can have 5 sub accounts plus your main. I might be completely wrong on this, but I've been told this by premium over the phone more than once.
The thing with sub accounts is that they don't all have to be yours. They've said multiple times, for instance, that sub accounts can be used for different family members who play, ect.., so I would not take that as acceptance of a sixth account.
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Post by Madge »

I had 12 accounts and was frozen for it, and I think the rule is ridiculous, but yes, people get frozen for it.

I currently have 5 accounts, with a sixth account that I never use or access.... More just a "retirement" account for some pets of mine.

I more or less don't want to get frozen *again*, so I'm doing my best not to do anything shady.

I got a warning the other month for linking to non-neopets sites... I was giving the URLs of pictures I'd drawn... So in my ever-careful ways I now give the URLs out on a petpage, in code. I am just that careful!
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