For great justice, part 2

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Lily Was Here
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Post by dandelions »

Now I've finally linked it into the Subeta section properly, in the header and from the index, does anyone know if we're allowed to pimp this on the Subeta forums themselves? I'd be keen to expand the number of people voting, in order to get a more representative sample. (note that if anyone does this, anyone who wants to rate will need to sign up for the forums first, simply because they share a login system in order to force people to vote only once on each pet.)
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Post by adi_gallia »

Neocolours is quite well known on the Subeta forums I think. At least when people ask to see what can be painted in _____ or something I often see us being linked. I assume that if we weren't allowed on Subeta something would be said by now, I assume the fact that Keith, Jessyta, Arbor and Luxe are all either admins or art directors and they post here, that they don't see us as a Neopets only website.

I'm not sure if that was why you were asking, but if it was then there is what I think the answer is. I will go over and make a topic about it on the Subeta forums to gain more attention to this. I think it will be interesting if we get more results as well.
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Post by thelonetiel »

Adi, if and when you make that board, do you think you could link to it? I'd be interested in seeing what the Subeta masses have to say about the system, but I definitely don't want to scrounge through the forums for the link. xP
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Post by daisybell »

Neopets wishlists: here
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Post by adi_gallia »

I made it sound awfully cheesy/like a plot to make us get more members didn't I? Perhaps someone who is good with words would have been better?

It doesn't seem to be doing so well yet, maybe it's not something the typical Subeta member will enjoy.
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Post by Twofold Black »

I checked out our memberlist to see if we'd had an influx of new people, and -- there's nowhere to mention this where it's on-topic, but we've got a bunch of mostly recent members whose location is 'Porn', and I can't stop laughing.
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Post by AngharadTy »

That sounds like a great place to live.

(I deleted one of the denizens of Porn, but meh, they haven't been able to enable their accounts thus far. I did catch a whole string of spammers before they could spam, though. Win.)
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Post by Rakumel »

I can't speak for the rest of the "Subeta masses", but I think the system's pretty spiffy. Already rated 300 pets so far.

It's funny - some of the pets I'm drawn to the most don't necessarily have the best art. Archans, for example - their anatomy's so awkward, I'm still trying to figure out how the head fits on the shoulders, or how they even lift their feet. Yet the form was a perfect match for my pet Orgon, who's got an overinflated ego and tends to be a bit of a bully, yet trips over his own feet half the time.

Conversely, I love the way Dilemmas, Festers, and Illumni? are drawn, but it's unlikely I'll ever own one because I can't think of a good enough personality.
Lily Was Here
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Post by dandelions »

Okay, I've reset all the votes for the Arid Chai, because I needed to test the script which updates pets after a revamp, and the Arid Chai had a rating of 3 exactly (incidentally, it was one of 11 pets at the time to have a rating exactly neutral). People who've rated it already will need to rate it again; if you've rated all the pets, it should be the only pet available for rating.

This means that yes, I can let you re-rate pets which have been revamped.
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Post by adi_gallia »

Ooh it worked. Jazzy are smart! Thanks for working on this Jazzy, it's so addicting and now the system is practically perfect, although there are some pets I would find a rating of 0 more fitting.
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