NQ Glitch Question

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NQ Glitch Question

Post by duenorth »

Probably something like three or four years ago, I had a game of NeoQuest going. I got as far as... I think the Archmagus of Roo, if memory serves.

I went back to the game today (out of sheer boredom while waiting for a trade offer to be accepted), thinking that since such a gap of time had passed, I'd have my game reset.

And it was. Sort of.

I got sent back to the starting town and reverted to Level 1... but with all of the skill points and items that I'd collected from beforehand, including my advanced wands and armor.

Which means pretty much that, at this point in the game, I am invincible.

I've been wandering around nuking monsters for a while now, just because it's fun, but now I've got a nasty feeling that doing so is taking advantage of a glitch.

What say you all? Do I keep playing? Or report this to the PTB with the caveat that "...sorry guys, being able to blast away monsters that used to eat me for breakfast in one round was too much fun to resist"?
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Post by Madge »

Was it on iNsAnE difficulty? Because on iNsAnE, if you die, you go back to level 1.

That's the only explanation I can think of... I'd definitely send in a bug report. Maybe say something like "I didn't realise I was so powerful because of X", or something? O_o
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Post by duenorth »

Nope, it was just on Normal.

Eep. Iiiii am going to go submit that bug report now.
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Post by Wingsrising »

That was a big glitch that happened to a lot of people some time back... back when I was still into NQII, so a couple years ago now. As far as I know everyone who had a NQI game going at that time was reset but kept their skills.

I actually went to start another game and found I still had the skills from my last game, but somewhere in the process of messing around they went away again. :-( Probably just as well.

Anyway, TNT already knows about the glitch, it happened years ago. Dunno what to advise you to do: I've never heard of anyone being frozen for just going ahead with the game with their old skills. Obviously doesn't make it impossible, but like I said, it affected everyone who had a NQI game going at the time.

Really, if you think about it it's not exploiting anything: you earned those skill points fair and square when you played the game the first time. (I, on the other hand, would definitely have been exploiting a glitch if I managed to restart the game with my old skill set.)

As far as I know, in the absense of glitches your NQ games are never reset. (Not that I've had a NQII game going for like 3 years now, not me.)
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Post by dandelions »

I had a glitch in my NQ2 game where I got a few extra skill points on Talinia when the site went down. I think I reported it, but nothing happened; I wasn't penalised or anything. That isn't, of course, the same as having skill points at level 1 you weren't meant to have, but I doubt it'll be dealt with very differently.
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Post by zebru »

I had a similar glitch yesterday (on evil). I was playing while the site was a bit wonky and suddenly Rohane found himself in the middle of the ocean. There was a button at the top telling me that as I found my self on out of bounds ground, clicking there would return me on my last resting point (mother's house) - which it did (luckily skills, gp and inventory were intact).
Last edited by zebru on 12 Feb 2007 03:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Wingsrising »

I was rather sleepy when I wote my first response, so I'll try to clarify. Several years ago (I don't recall when exactly, but it was probably in the first 6 months after the NQ2 prizes were released) every NQ1 game on the site was reset to the beginning, but with all the player's skill points intact.

As far as I know, this reset was the result of a big glitch and has not been repeated.

Since you haven't looked at your game in years, I suspect your game was reset several years ago during this big site-wide glitch. It wasn't something that TNT intended to happen -- NQ games don't reset on their own no matter how long you leave them for. You should have been able to pick up right where you left off.

I think most people who had their game reset at that time just picked up and kept going from where they were with the extra skill points. It softened the blow of having their game reset because at least they could get back to where they used to be more quickly.

If there's anyone else here who has a NQ game going that they haven't looked at for years, your game may well have been affected by this reset too. :-)
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