Popups and horrible ads

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Popups and horrible ads

Post by Jamie »

Over the last few days I've been getting popups on Neo and some huge annoying Mimzy banner up top that expands over half the page when you hover over it.

Today I was in IE because Firefox was being laggy and I see this:


What happened to 'There will never be any pop ups on Neo'.

I'll screenie the others when I run into them, but geez, it's getting bad and I can't adBlock half of them D=
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Post by rebelheart »

I haven't seen the fruity pebbles one but I got the Mimsy thing you described, it covers the whole top bar and is annoying as hell :(
Rainbow Daydreamer
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Post by Rainbow Daydreamer »

Like with the WinFixer ads last year, Neo probably signed up for a bundle of ads without knowing what all of them do. Try contacting support, they were pretty sympathetic in that case.
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Anna the Red
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Post by Anna the Red »

So it's not just me! I thought it may have been spyware!

I got some weird ones when I was visiting the Neopian bank, but I didn't think to screenshot them. They were one of those ads that looks like it has a 'Close' button, but when you click the 'Close' thing, it just takes you to the advertising site.

Anyone else got some of these?
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Post by Sagrei »

Flash ad, so Adblock can't 'grab' it -- get thee hence to mozilla.org and install Flashblock for Firefox. You can set it to always allow Flash from certain servers (Neo keeps its flash at images.neopets.com) and block from others (like whatever ad-repository that's from).

It's a damn shame that Neo is behaving... much like the rest of the internet when it comes to splattering advertisements all over everything.
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Post by Skitty »

I find it rather humorous that Neo swore up and down that they would never, ever, EVER have popups or ads that interfered with your browsing of the site, yet don't bother to check what kind of ads they sign up for. I'd think it would be less work to look over an ad package before agreeing to it, then it would be to go in and remove all the offending ones afterward. But then again, TNT has proven to have a very strange sense of logic (and promise-keeping, for that matter).
Lily Was Here
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Post by dandelions »

Than it would be.

I don't think they've made anyone any promises...if anything at all, as far as I remember, the promise was that they'd remove offending ads. Ad companies produce them, not Neopets - for Neopets to personally approve every ad from every country (depending on the country you set in your profile, you see different ones) would be far more time-consuming than letting users do the screening. If they've any sense, they'd have ads blocked on their personal computers anyway.
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Post by Kyogress »

They even had a freaking Marapets ad.
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