Editorial Time!-split 2/16/09

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Officer 1BDI
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Post by Officer 1BDI »

I was a bit more perplexed by this q/a:
Hi, in Issue 276 you stated that it's alright to participate in DON (Defenders of Neopia) on side accounts. I was just curious, though, since the only way to get the Brain Tree (mission 5) as a challenger is by doing quests (for him and the Esophagor). Is this still acceptable? When you do a quest you get an item and NP, so I wasn't sure how that would fit in with not earning NP on a side. I'd like to be able to get the DON trophies on my side accounts, but don't want to break the rules to be able to do so. Thanks in advance for your time TNT. Love the site. :) ~chia_lubber
Oh. Hrmmm... well, we'll be quite honest with you and say that, as you probably guessed, we totally forgot about situations like that when answering the original question. So we're sorry for opening our big mouths and creating confusion! As you mentioned, the rule is that if the activity earns you Neopoints or items, it's off limits, so that mission is definitely not one you should do on your side account. Thank you for pointing it out!

However, we completely understand you wanting to earn the trophies on your side account, especially after we said it was okay and there's only one mission getting in your way. :) So while we can't promise anything, we'll talk with our Battledome gurus and see if we can work this out.

To be very clear, you currently CANNOT do any missions on your side accounts that involve earning Neopoints in any fashion. If this changes in the future, we'll let you know in New Features! (And we're hoping it can since you were so nice in pointing out our stupid mistake! Thanks, again!)
I don't understand what there is to work out with the "battledome gurus." Are they going to change how you get the Brain Tree as a challenger?

So I guess you couldn't use kitchen quests to train a pet on a side, either?
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Post by oogabooga »

Officer 1BDI wrote: Are they going to change how you get the Brain Tree as a challenger?
That's what I assumed they meant. They could make it so that you get him by refreshing on the page, or something like that - though I find the random ones to be really annoying. Depends on the probability, I guess. Commander Garoo took forever.
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Post by Kantark »

ulyyf wrote:
Neopets is so sedimentary!
That sounds really insulting. I know what they mean, but it still sounds bad.
I can't see how it could be anything other than insulting - 'Neopets is like the sludge you find at the bottom of a river'... is there some sort of definition of 'sedimentary' that I don't know about?
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Post by Madge »

Sedimentary is a type of rock, so it is an alternative to saying "neopets rocks"
Anna the Red
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Post by Anna the Red »

I thought it was just called 'sediment' or had to be 'sedimentary rocks.' shows what I know.

This question kind of bothered me though:
Is it allowed to make worthless bids on good items, with the intention that they might accidentally accept? ~swedelock_holmes
Uhh... no. Trying to bait someone into making a mistake that will greatly benefit yourself or your friends is a total scam. While it is the buyer's responsibility to be wary and know what they're getting into, someone who is intentionally being underhanded and misleading is just as liable. While the buyer loses out on their Neopoints, the seller will lose their account.
Again with the vagueness, but I think they're trying to say that you can lose your account if you make shitty bids. What about all the newbies who don't know how much an item is worth? Lots of people put nothing in their wishlists, so the bidder just might not know any better. Also, when I need to feed side pets at the Soup Kitchen, I bid on items I know I can't get with my Adopt/Abandon money so I can go. Making me lose my account over this seems really stupid and just plain nasty.
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Post by Madge »

Anna, book your pets into the neolodge - I'll even pay the bill for you if want. It's about 600np per account per month and keeps all the pets fed. It rules :D
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Post by rebelheart »

Or you can bid on an auction where you know you'll be outbid.

Anyway, this is happening so often, I wonder how they'll prove the bad intentions of the bidder. This is the most common scam (if you want to call it that), I know I'll receive at least two or three of these bids anytime I put something unbuyable up on the TP. Never seen anyone of those bidders gotten frozen though.
Also, my boyfriend (clever as he is! *pats him*) pointed out that it should not mean
While the buyer loses out on their Neopoints, the seller will lose their account.
While the seller loses out on their Neopoints, the buyer will lose their account.
since in the given example the buyer is the scammer!
Anna the Red
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Post by Anna the Red »

It's only the lab pet I feed at the Soup Kitchen. I just hate putting it in the Neolodge only to have to abandon it the next day because it's changed colour. Because I'm such a stinge.

Suppose I should just put it there, hey. Now I feel a bit silly.
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Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Yeah, it was what rebelheart said that got me...what?? The SELLER would lose their account over that mistake?
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Post by AngharadTy »

That is the most ridiculous answer I've seen in the editorial since Donna stopped doing them. What the hell? It almost wants to make me dredge up the old moronic "Neocrack" insults. The answer doesn't make sense (the seller/buyer stuff) and even if it did make sense, it still wouldn't be right. How on earth could they prove intent, or even police that? Sometimes, people need to make their own moronic mistakes. It's not up to TNT to take care of us in that way.
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Post by Skiler »

This editorial is full of DEMAGOGY :)

How dirty, that girl adversiting her art with that silly/unhumblelish question -_o
I see "anime" versions of people quite often, but I am a professional artist and the image I drew actually looks like me. O.o By the way, I'm hoping to work for Neopets one day -- open up an employment opportunity for artist!
Brown noser :P (and sillyest question ever :| )
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Post by dandelions »

She's known for being a self-promoting egotist whom Neopets has turned down in the past.
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Post by NyauNyau »

I hate to be mean..but her art scares me a bit. : |
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Post by Kantark »

Madge wrote:Sedimentary is a type of rock, so it is an alternative to saying "neopets rocks"
Ahh, I had a suspicion it'd probably be something to do with rocks - but, really, what a convoluted way for them to say it!
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Post by yvonne_l_d »

Officer 1BDI wrote:I was a bit more perplexed by this q/a:
However, we completely understand you wanting to earn the trophies on your side account, especially after we said it was okay and there's only one mission getting in your way. :) So while we can't promise anything, we'll talk with our Battledome gurus and see if we can work this out.

To be very clear, you currently CANNOT do any missions on your side accounts that involve earning Neopoints in any fashion. If this changes in the future, we'll let you know in New Features! (And we're hoping it can since you were so nice in pointing out our stupid mistake! Thanks, again!)
I don't understand what there is to work out with the "battledome gurus." Are they going to change how you get the Brain Tree as a challenger?

So I guess you couldn't use kitchen quests to train a pet on a side, either?
I find that particular answer to be a bit wordy. There will probably be some people who will be confused by it. A lot of kids and non-english speaking people play the site. It would have been simpler to say sorry, you can't fight the brain tree, but you can fight any other DON challengers on your side. Rigt now they're saying that it's not allowed, but it might be allowed someday, and we just have wait indefinitely for an announcement. That just doesn't seem neat and tidy to me.
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- Gregory Maguire, "Mirror, Mirror"
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