Site redesign.

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Lily Was Here
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Site redesign.

Post by dandelions »

So! I've decided to put up the new site rather than keep it sitting in test folders. Currently, everything is working bar three or so pages:
- a page of Subeta experiments, because they have non-intuitive filenames and I don't play to know what all the numbers are
- the neopets colour dropdown
- unreleased colours.

Test everything, tell me if you break things- hell, try and break things. All pages aside from some of the popups should be valid html 4.01 (the popups are...xhtml? I forget), and they ought to display the same in every browser. If they don't, screenshot it and post it here.

As I said in the Subeta AaToW thread, the fact that Subetocolours is better-completed than Neocolours is the last part of the April Fools joke...I've accidentally created an infinite loop in the Neopets colour dropdown, so it's going to be a bit of time before that's fixed. However, suggestions for the Subeta section are welcome, because it's a little bare.

And finally, applications for news posters are still wanted, please! You need to review the <a href=" ... 16">Pepper Chia</a>, <a href=" ... =16">White Poogle</a> and <a href=" ... e=16">Grey Lupe</a> and PM them to me. I have three applications so far and want three news posters, and if I don't see an indication that anyone else wants to do it I'm not going to host a public vote and those three will be the posters by default. If you are intending to enter, say so on this thread or I am liable to make a decision very soon.

(and all ye of little faith who thought this was never going to happen and bitched about me and my laziness...shame on you; everything bar the colour dropdowns has been completed since February ;) )
Last edited by dandelions on 24 Jun 2007 05:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by adi_gallia »

Hey, I know this may be considered stealing another sites work, but subetadb has a list of all the known experiments. The only way we could add that is to kinda 'steal' from their list if that's allowed. The downside to that is we can't automatically find new colours, if that's how it works usually for new Neopets and Subeta colours.

I'm quite impressed by it, but the place entry holders thing in foreign is kinda weird, but I'm sure that's not permanent. I'm glad to see the site is back up and running. I only visited the forums because I used to enjoy ratings my Neopets and then it broke one day.
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Post by EofS »

*Somewhat confused* We're just seeing these as a 'sneak preview' for community members? Since the front page is still down.

Also, might want to change the links in the navigation bar to "/index.php" etc, right now everything's staying within the forums folder and is thus returning 404s.

But that aside, I can't see any problems yet. I love the layout of the new pet sizes page.

Edit: Nevermind, front page just appeared and you're obviously actively working on it as I speak, so you should get to the urls sooner rather than later.

In case it matters, my favourite look for the top bar was when it wasn't very tall and stretched across the entire page.
adi_gallia wrote:I'm quite impressed by it, but the place entry holders thing in foreign is kinda weird, but I'm sure that's not permanent.
Never come across lorem ipsum before!?
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Post by Jessi »

I think everything looks wonderful Jazzy, but I do have a minor complaint, that may only bother me.

Would it be possible to make it have two options - one where if I say, look at all 'angelic' pets, it will show me the ones that -can't- be made angelic, and also have an option to look at it where it takes those ones out? If that makes any sense. I think it looks a little off when i can see "Angelic ____" in between all the pets.

Like I said, that may be just me, and I may be asking for the impossible xD; But I thought I'd bring it up.
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Post by Silverevilchao »

Holy crap, it's finally back up! (or, at least, the Subeta one. xD)

Well, for starters, I see a huge space beneath the last color listed in the color dropdown menu on the Subeta side.

And you have a section for the pet revamps, too! Nice! xD;;

*is running through the site looking at everything*
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Post by Miguel »

Further to what I've already poked you about, /subeta/subetaspecies.php and /subeta/subetacolours.php have inconsistent alignment for the selection box... (and species doesn't have that ball thing). One day I'll stop nitpicking, I promise ;)
Many thanks to EofS for the avatar and signature images.
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Post by Jessi »

Oh, one more thing - and if we're not supposed to put this stuff here, beat me. The Maraquan Lupe should be listed with the other Maraquan pets in unusual pets, as it looks like a sea lion :3 If you don't want us posting crap like this here, let me know and I'll.. um.. PM you or something xD
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Post by EofS »

*Thinks which way round works and doesn't work*

Clicking from a subeta species overview page to a colour works fine, but from colour to species doesn't. The links on the colour page are missing the subeta folder - they're ""

I have some minor cosmetic comments, but I'm guessing that right now you're looking for functionality first and foremost, so I'll hold those until you want them.
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Post by Fullmetal Dragon »

*raises hand* On a similar note to that, I think perhaps the Jelly Usul, in the unusual colors page, should probably have the image that actually has three arms? :D; The circle pose, right? ... please don't hit me D:
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Post by Madge »

No, the happy pose used to have three arms. They fixed it! When? What! Why?

Also, it's looking good! Hopefully the infinite loop will be fixed soon enough so we can have good ol' Neocolours back :).

I do think that there needs to be some sort of filter to get rid of the broken images in the Subeta pages... I looked at them simply because, though I don't play, I can appreciate that the art is gorgeous, and as my internet connection's a bit shifty I couldn't really tell whether the images weren't loading because of my connection, or if they aren't actually released.

Hopefully, when Neocolours becomes a working neopets fansite again, we'll get more people here who discuss neopets-related issues... Other than the "neopets sucks. inflation sucks. subeta is better. what happened to neoschools?" comments, of course :P.

(and am I the only one who finds it somewhat ironic that, from memory, sam's original Neocolours FAQ had a little blurb about him being a 30-something year old man, with the comment "what... did you expect me to be a 14 year old girl?", and now we have Jazzy, who is, what, 18? 19? 20?, running it. Well. I thought it was amusing. Because, y'know. She's been here like 5 years, so she would've been... oh, forget it.)
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Post by Aqua »

Is there any chance you could set how many pets show per row? Right now it looks like it's just image after image with no BRs, and I know that in Safari when images are put together like that, it often gets confused and smooshes some together or puts them in some weird place. It's also a bit cluttered looking right now because of the links and a set number of pets per row may help that.
Lily Was Here
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Post by dandelions »

Hey, I know this may be considered stealing another sites work, but subetadb has a list of all the known experiments. The only way we could add that is to kinda 'steal' from their list if that's allowed. The downside to that is we can't automatically find new colours, if that's how it works usually for new Neopets and Subeta colours.
Will think about emailing them to ask that, with credit if needed- thanks!
in foreign
Latin! Well, sort of. What're they teaching you in schools nowadays? :P
In case it matters, my favourite look for the top bar was when it wasn't very tall and stretched across the entire page.
That was a mistake which was difficult to replicate consistently anywhere else- and it looked pretty odd when the window was resized.
Would it be possible to make it have two options - one where if I say, look at all 'angelic' pets, it will show me the ones that -can't- be made angelic, and also have an option to look at it where it takes those ones out? If that makes any sense. I think it looks a little off when i can see "Angelic ____" in between all the pets.
I don't know how to filter out colours that don't exist. Before, it was done by "only display pets which exist in our db" but there is no db right now and everything is generated on the fly by nifty code.
I see a huge space beneath the last color listed in the color dropdown menu on the Subeta side.
So do I- but I can't remember what's causing that. Will attempt to fix later, or poke Tiel.
Further to what I've already poked you about, /subeta/subetaspecies.php and /subeta/subetacolours.php have inconsistent alignment for the selection box... (and species doesn't have that ball thing).
Have I fixed everything else you said? I know about the alignment thing; it's because of there not being a suitable "potion" for the species page. Will talk to Tiel- I don't play Subeta so don't know a replacement.
Maraquan Lupe should be listed with the other Maraquan pets in unusual pets, as it looks like a sea lion :3
Will add that.
The links on the colour page are missing the subeta folder - they're ""
Be more specific- which links?
I have some minor cosmetic comments, but I'm guessing that right now you're looking for functionality first and foremost, so I'll hold those until you want them.
Depends. I only really want them if you can provide screenshots (I hate attempting to replicate things), but I will accept them now because eventually I'm not going to touch this anymore ;)
*raises hand* On a similar note to that, I think perhaps the Jelly Usul, in the unusual colors page, should probably have the image that actually has three arms? :D; The circle pose, right? ... please don't hit me D:
Madge is right- it's been fixed. Will remove. ... perpage=16
am I the only one who finds it somewhat ironic that, from memory, sam's original Neocolours FAQ had a little blurb about him being a 30-something year old man, with the comment "what... did you expect me to be a 14 year old girl?", and now we have Jazzy, who is, what, 18? 19? 20?, running it. Well. I thought it was amusing. Because, y'know. She's been here like 5 years, so she would've been... oh, forget it.
18, and I was indeed 14 when sam made me a mod ;)
Is there any chance you could set how many pets show per row? Right now it looks like it's just image after image with no BRs
I'm not setting pets per row yet because that's a resolution nightmare. People are still using 800x600 so I'd need to make sure it's okay for them (and I'm only on 1024x768 myself). There's also the problem that this is not nearly as easy as it sounds- basically, the code generates one image with a space after it per possible colour. To add a br after, say, every fifth one requires a lot of extra code. I should probably point out here that I've never learnt php and have basically been making it up as I go along based on what I know of if statements from Livejournal.

Keep the comments coming!
Anna the Red
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Post by Anna the Red »

Ooooh, very nice. I quite like the unusual colours page and am happy to see the Pet Sizes thing again. Neat!

I think I may have missed what was happening with the new posters. I remember seeing it being discussed, but can't remember an actual conclusion. Is it going to be like, three people who all send in a description and they all get put on the site, or will they be combined, or the best one picked and displayed? What I think is happening is like PPT, and anyone of the posters can put something up in their own time, is that right?

I'm going to apply, and I'll try and finish and send it to you tonight.

Edited as I realised you answered some things in your first post. :oops: Edited AGAIN cause I said a bunch of things twice. Yeesh, I'm braindead.
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Post by Jessi »

Acaras have been left off the lookup generator! I DEMAND JUSTICE. You Acara racist!

And actually, in a minute I'll go through and see if any other pets have been left off and edit this :3

edit - nope, just Acaras.
Lily Was Here
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Post by dandelions »

haha, I know why that is- it's because they're the first on the list. And also, I don't like them.

I believe I've fixed the broken images thing, but if any of you have javascript disabled they'll still be there.

Anna: basically, write a short thing on each of the pets, PM it to me. If there's more than 3 apps I'll put them all up in here and people will vote- the top 3 will then become the news posters. If we only get three then they'll be it by default. They'll be updating mainly on colour news.
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