New neopets layout

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Post by rebelheart »

o_0 I wonder where they got that from. Has anyone actually heard from a staff member what their plans are or has one of them posted on the premium boards?
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Post by NyauNyau »

The site is growing on me, the new look...I have to change my lookup. The pets? Well..I DO like my Korbat, Aisha and Eyrie..thankfully my Pteri wasnt forced into the change. We'll see what comes of the editorial for this week..poor TNT..they must be flooded.

Im not about to bad mouth the artists on this, Im sure some of them are not pleased that their creations were dropped into a template(DARIGAN BORI..:( Shroomy must be sad)..hopefully,now with this over, theyll be able to work more on site art...:\ But , I dunno..heres to hoping...

: O Im waiting on the mutantislandplot!
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Anna the Red
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Post by Anna the Red »

Not a clue on the Staff Member front. I daresay a least some of the staff are not going to be pleased about this at all. Incidentally, I've been browsing the pound and it seems a lot of people are abandoning their pets. I've stumbled of several painted ones while browsing the pound to check out the art.

Not to mention the ads. Christ. Here are some fun ads I've gotten while browsing the pound:

Showgirl costumes.
Britney Spears porn.
Kabbalah bracelets (What happened to 'No religion on the site'?)
A bunch of advertisements for Catholic products.
Angelina Jolie porn.

Yeah. Good move TNT!

EDIT: Seconded to some extent what Nyau said. I'm getting used to the layout a bit, but I still find it superflous and overall annoying. I'm progressing to being more annoyed about the pet art. If I don't quit, It's going to severely limit any new pets I planned to get, and I'll probably get bored with nothing to save for anyway.
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Post by Fish »

Does anyone know where I can find pictures of the new pets?

Because it won't show me, so I can't figure out which have been shafted, and which weren't.
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Post by daisybell »

There are basic pictures here of the pets, which show you mostly what the template is for all the colourfilled versions (but not maraquan, mutant and so on).

I've been to check through a lot of the redraw pets to see which ones have been allowed to retain the old art- almost all of the greys and plushies have, but a surprising number of royals have not. There are even anomalies like the aishas- girls have kept old art, boys haven't- and the acaras- boys have kept old art, girls haven't. The lupe and grarrl are also like this.

It kind of makes me think that they haven't formally decided which pets can keep their old art and which can't. I wouldn't be surprised to see that more pets are given the option in a week's time, although if that is the case then I think TNT handled it badly. I don't expect traditionally colourfill pets to be allowed to keep old art, though, or some of the dodgier faerie pets (almost all of the newer ones have been given the option to retain old art).
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Post by Madge »

I don't have premium or anything, but no ads show up for me.

That said, I have quite a lot of them blocked with my various adblocking programs *opens it in IE*... so there's only the ad at the bottom? And the one at the top I have blocked with CSS?

Can someone screenshot the ads they're seeing? o_O

*hates the layout but has absolutely all the ads blocked on hers*

But, anyway, this whole thing more or less has me certain I'm not going to buy premium as I had planned to.

.... unless they let premium users use the old art D:
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Post by KauKrazy »

Thanks a WHOLE lot! Just what I needed in the end of a long, tough week with all kinds of problems. At first I thought it was only the layout, until I saw what they have done to MY POOR KAUS.

I even have a text on my first Kau's lookup (have had it for years), saying that I will never paint her because I love her just the way she is, and she'll always stay that way. OH YEAH. Thanks for ruining it for me. I think I'll stay until the end of next week but probably will quit. I don't want to be a part of a site where they can do such things to the players without a warning, and make it sound like a clever joke.
Last edited by KauKrazy on 27 Apr 2007 05:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Officer 1BDI
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Post by Officer 1BDI »

.... unless they let premium users use the old art D:
That would be cruelty beyond cruel.

Now that I've slept on it, I've come to a few conclusions:

Only three of my pets really look like I want them to: Capi, El, and Moko. At this point, they're the only pets I'm keen on keeping at the moment. The others... either something in their projected attitude has changed, or something horribly disfiguring is afflicting their new image. They may still exist in my head, but I'm having a lot of trouble associating the characters I crafted with those... things I'm seeing on my lookup. I'm really, really tempted to just pound the lot so they can find homes with someone who will actually appreciate how they look. I don't even know what to do with my poor Lutari....

But I won't, because I know I'm going to regret it if TNT comes back next week and says, "Whoops! Sorry; here's your revert to normal button!"

I'm growing used to the new format. I have to say, though, that the revamped pets look really out of place when compared to the beautiful sidebar art. I second Hue's sentiment: why couldn't the new pet art be so gorgeous?

The site as a whole just seems horribly inpersonable now, thanks to the format. My petpages look so cold against white and grey: I don't see how anyone could easily customize them to their liking (but I'm not exactly a coder, so what do I know?), and I'm really going to miss seeing those beautiful lookups that people made.

I DO like how there is finally another sidebar option for my accounts: I've set them all to green so I can better distinguish them from my main (but honestly, that's an option TNT should have given us long ago.)

The ads.... I can't say I've run into the sort of crap Anna has, but I'm having to block a few more out that I never ran into before the revamp. Firefox is, fortunately, catching most of them on its own, but not all.

I still plan on waiting it out, but if this is how the site's going to be from now on, it's just lost a great deal of its appeal to me.

ETA: An old dream pet of mine, the Mutant Ruki, seems to have come through the revamp OK. If I cannot change Zamaritan back to her former state, I'll morph her that instead... and then the other pets are still up in the air. :(
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Post by daisybell »

I like the new kaus, actually. They were due a revamp so they would have ended up looking very similar, if not the same (as the kau isn't holding anything in the customisation poses). Their art was due an update and I think they did okay from it- unlike the lutari which was fine as it was and got a hideous new image.

It's made harder by the fact that all the pets changed at once, and the layout too, but many of the older basic pets had very old art and were always going to change. Not much comfort, I know, but it's not the fault of the customisation project that the pet art changed for many species because it was already going to happen.
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Post by Trick »

My god, I leave the internet for just over a day and all hell breaks loose all over the shop. You think I could get some kind of sponsorship to stay online and keep everything sane?

I don't play neopets anymore and fortunately my main account pets have escaped the brunt of this. My beloved Dreymor though who I waited on for over a year is ugly personified. I can't imagine how much this hurts those who are involved with neo as much as I was a year or so ago.

The layout I can live with really. It's nice to mix things up now and again. The loading times are pretty shocking though and it seems to be very much a case of style over pracitcality.

Changing the pets overnight on a pet site? Not clever. If this is made reversible for our pets then I'll be really glad for my recolours who now look nothing like the pets I know I own. But the way pets look on neopets has surely now changed for ever.

I am glad I already no longer play, but I feel the anger and hurt of those who are still into the site. I may have escaped from this by dint of having mostly the right sort of pets, but neopets sheer disregard for its existing and especially long standing players is absolutely astounding.
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Post by dandelions »

It must be your absence, I'm certain ;)
Lou 500
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Post by Lou 500 »

What's that? My scorchio is threatening to commit suicide and beg that I get a gelert to replace him.

... Not such a bad idea.
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Post by Fish »

I just noticed something. The quickref page has the old text, stating that your active pet is bold and the others are all see-through, but now the active pet is identified by a gray background.

My damnable Aisha can't take her collar off. The customization thing won't. Isn't it the point of this revamp? Shouldn't they make sure it works for EVERYONE?
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Post by uberstav »

im think im going to take a break to cool off from all this anger...i'll come back in a week and if everything is the gonna give out all my fugly pets and then quit. i cant believe i spent 6 years on a website and it ends like this....
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Post by glitterbean »


I am so glad I donated 200k to someone, or else I would have had enough to paint Essuie royal 3 days ago & end up with that crap.
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