Editorial Time!-split 2/16/09

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Post by Madge »

I wonder how much of the decision was TNT and how much of it was Viacom.

I still can't believe they have destroyed all the emotion and battledome poses.

WHY couldn't the customisation just be on quickref and the pet lookup? WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE ALL OVER THE SITE?

*steam coming out of ears*

I don't want to quit. But if I can't even dress up some of my pets because they'll look too damn ugly if I revert them, and since dress ups is apparently the only feature TNT wants to be bothered with....

I like how they said "come on, you don't have to be a kid to like something that's cute". I'm all for cute. I love fluffy little kittens and baby ducks.

It's not the cute we have a problem with! It's the fact the art is all crap, and that we've lost the variety of the emotional poses!

Also the fact that Jazzy *JUST* finished coding the Neocolours site based on the old colouring system. AND NOW ALL HER WORK IS FOR NOTHING. I'm ashamed of you, TNT.
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Post by Marah »

So, long story short, you asked for it and you got it!
That is ... just .. so.

they just blame the users now? Even if I would have liked to dress my pets, I didn't ask for most of my pets to be devamped and loose whatever it was that made me want to have them in the first place.
Even if I would have liked to dress my pets, I didn't ask to loose all revamps and battledome poses (oh god, the robot poses are really gone aren't they?)

We just didn't.
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Post by dandelions »

I have no idea what I'm going to do with the colour lookups here until they update the Rainbow Pool, which is still stubbornly using the old images. New Features had special gifs rather than Flash URLs for the two new cybunny colours, which is a bit of a bad sign.

Oh, well, all the people who bitched about the way I went about this site's redesign can laugh at me now :P
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Post by Kuroro »

So, long story short, you asked for it and you got it!
What?! I totally dropped out of the sky when this happened. I never recall anyone (and that's also me) asking for *this*. That's the last slap in the face. I did not have the time nor patience to write a good letter about this to TNT, but this will be the first and last time probably. I see that probably nothing can be changed anymore, yet I feel that I ought to write one more mail.. and that be the closing of my Neo time I guess. Like others, I wasn't on that many times anymore, but this is the drop.. sigh.
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Post by Trick »

Asking for things like your red Lutari to be reverted, however, won't be considered. ;)
I'm glad they clarified this, had I still been playing neopets that would be me quitting now.
A lot of the form feedback we're getting is very positive
Bullshit. One of the hardest things about marketing is that people seldom report back when they are happy. Feedback is almost always used for negative reasons rather than people saying they're happy - point being that if you are happy with the product then there is no need to say so.

I have no doubt this is down to viacom, but the way the editorial is written makes me shudder. Money over principles. It may be "just" a site, but I know if I'd been working on something so long only to have it completely change direction and isolate its oldest and most loyal users I would not be a happy bunny littering my responses with winky faces.
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Post by Kuroro »

It truly got me to wonder if they researched this (if people would like customising pets/change of all image without the users's wil) at all. I find it hard to believe they did not.

They are a big company, but looking at how this came as a thunderstrike in a clear sky with all the users I know, I begin to think they didn't research a thing. More like, ok, ok, we need a change to site, let's think something up that must be cooool leetz. Ideas are thrown around the table.. Then somebody mentions, but don't we have to market research this? Naaah, that's money wasted (classical pitfall).

The editorial is truly pissing me off..
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Post by duenorth »


I hate this. I hate that my blue Cybunny looks like a panhandler now. I hate that my faerie Peophin doesn't flare her mane and hiss when I try and feed her lime jellies. I hate the fact that my yellow Bori looks like a hooker, not a sweet, eager child. I hate the fact that my Kourga got the crap kicked out of her in a Battledome match and doesn't even have (momentary) wounds to lick-- just the same moronic grin and fucking eyelashes.

I read that editorial and then logged out of Neopets.

I'm not planning on going back.
old world underground where are you now?
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Post by Anna the Red »

Oh, isn't that lovely? They answered most of the awesome questions where awesome people said how much they love awesome Neopets and the new awesome layout and the new awesome pets.

I refuse to believe that a majority of users are fine with this, and that TNT simply has their fingers in their ears and are going 'LA LA LA LA LA I'M NOT LISTENING.'

Maybe they should have put up a notice on the Front Page 'WE DON'T GIVE A CRAP ABOUT YOU ANYMORE.' Would have been a little clearer.

Bite me, TNT.
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Post by Slugawoo »

Well, this is the final straw for me. I'm gone for good. Assholes, I hope they go bankrupt. Way for them to shit in our face.

I wont freeze my accounts just yet. I have to decide if I just want to freeze my pets or adopt them out. Being the greedy person I am, I don't think I want anyone who actually likes the site now owning any of my pets.[/offtopicness]

I seriously can believe the tone I'm getting from this editorial. "Fine, leave. We wont miss you, just your money." ...Not that I ever gave them any money.

I know what site will be getting my money, though. <3
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Post by Huggles »

Fuck TNT.
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Post by Kytsune »

Truthfully, we want Neopets to be fully customisable and we just can't keep up the maintenance on both systems.
Why not?

Seriously, why not? I'm not a programmer, but it doesn't seem impossible to let people choose between the old images or the new ones. Making both sets of pets for new colours would only be doing one extra pose, so it wouldn't be difficult for the artists at all.

And they answered the same question (about the lookups being broke) three times. =/

I suppose I should look for a new timewaster now. I don't want to leave neopets, but the neo I fell in love with five years ago is gone. I feel empty. D=
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Post by AngharadTy »

I love how they say they sat down and thought about what feature they could add to the site.


Good god. Add. Not replace.
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Post by gidget »

I hate the fact that all the Xweetoks are flipping me off. :P
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Post by Aqua »

Thankfully (and not thankfully, because even one is more than enough), the only pet of mine that was force-changed that I really don't like is my faerie buzz. :/ It was so nice before, partly because it looked different from the other buzzes. And they didn't bother changing the wings to faerie, they still look like normal buzz wings.

At least a bunch of the editorial questions involve people not liking the pets, maybe if we're lucky they'll do something about that.. Maybe. Bleh.
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Post by Iggy »

Aqua wrote:Thankfully (and not thankfully, because even one is more than enough), the only pet of mine that was force-changed that I really don't like is my faerie buzz. :/ It was so nice before, partly because it looked different from the other buzzes. And they didn't bother changing the wings to faerie, they still look like normal buzz wings.

At least a bunch of the editorial questions involve people not liking the pets, maybe if we're lucky they'll do something about that.. Maybe. Bleh.
I consider pounding mine. There's nothing I can do to save him.

The other one I loathe is my Halloween Ixi, which will be morphed into a Darigan Zafara anyways.

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