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Post by Xulael »

No problem, Sagrei.
oogabooga wrote:They don't. See my post way back toward the beginning about the Maraquan gelert.
Thanks for that. I'm not sure how much of a consolation that is, but it's nice to know.
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Post by shadowgem »

What the balls.

*just read all the posts here and the editorial*

I'd mostly quit Neo for a while, but like some other people, this is the last straw for me. Especially this:
2. Can I remove the Neopet Module?

You cannot remove the Neopet Module. Besides, don't you want to see how your Neopet is doing!
No, I do not want to see how my Neopet is doing on every fucking page I visit. That's why we have a QuickRef page - so I can check on my pets. I'm sure that Patty Pixelpants will be JUST FINE in the 3 seconds it takes for me to go from one page to another. And the LAME ASS quotes from your pets??
Usoa says:
Do you think you could buy me a toy? Please?
No. STFU. If I wanted a whiny kid, I'd have one kthx. Until YOUR lame ass starts ACTUALLY EARNING the NP, as opposed to the pathetic excuse we have for a Job Agency, you don't get input on how the NP is spent.

And this:
Our goal here is to give everyone the opportunity to make their Neopet COMPLETELY DIFFERENT from everyone else's, and that includes customisation options that aren't all warm and fuzzy.
Newsflash, TNT. Everyone's Neopet WAS completely different. It's called descriptions. And unique names. And petpets. Need I go on?

And this:
Trust us, though, we're cringing behind our desks here from the teeth-gnashing, but we didn't just one day out of the blue decide to redraw all the Neopets for kicks.
Not enough. You're not cringing nearly enough. You should be ashamed. This was NOT WORTH all the work you put into it. And I bet you didn't do it for kicks. I bet you did it because Papa Viacom said "Do this." And you went "Hahahaz0rz, yes sir, we're a bunch of pwned little bitches."

It's not just the fact that every color of a species has to be drawn in the same pose, it's that EVERY DAMNED SPECIES is standing in the SAME DAMNED POSE. Congratulations, Neopets, you've turned every unique species into one big homogenous species with different appendages. *disgust*

It might even have been forgivable, if not for this:
At the moment, clothing options aren't retroactive. We're working on wearables to fit Neopets going forward, but only time will tell if we can take previously released clothes and add them to the customisation pile...
So not only did you make a feature that probably only kids wanted, you did it in a completely cocked up way that STILL makes 99% of the clothing items on the site UTTERLY useless.

Neopets can take their "modules" and their "customized NeOpEtZ!!1!" and shove them right up their collective asses.
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Post by Danish »

I just went to the New Features page and laughed.

I was thinking, "Is that it? Where can I see a battledome pose?"

But there is none.

That's it.

Forever more there will only be one tiny little pose released. Sad, angry, battling and hurt, they will all be that tiny little pose with an outstretched hand to grasp an immaginary item.

What's the point in painting or dressing them anymore if they're just that plain pathetic pose that's the size of a petpet everywhere on the site except their petlookup.
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Post by Kantark »

Consider this:

Viacom (large media conglomerate) sees News Corp. (large media conglomerate) buy something called MySpace (which is hugely successful) to tap into the youth market... Viacom wants a piece of that so buys a popular website which already had a large userbase with a demographic skewed to the teen/tween market. Viacom then sets about making it a competitor to MySpace. Viacom fails because its pre-existing loyal userbase on the whole hate the changes and migrate to competing sites, whilst the new revamped Neopets now has nothing unique and is just an amalgam of badly-implemented features found on various other sites. The site runs badly for a year or two until it is finally shut down or merged with one of Viacom's other youth-orientated websites.

I really hope that isn't what's happening, because it is doomed to fail. (See also Neovision - you can't seriously expect to sue the arse off Youtube for stealing your products, then start a rival service which is bound to get abused by its users in the same way.)
TNT wrote:Trust us, though, we're cringing behind our desks here from the teeth-gnashing, but we didn't just one day out of the blue decide to redraw all the Neopets for kicks.
The site staff, of course, have to do what they're told - or, if they're that concerned, leave. A job is a job.

I heard someone mention a while ago that Donna's back in England now.
TNT wrote:We're working on wearables to fit Neopets going forward,
I hate that phrase, 'going forward'. It doesn't mean what management types think it means. If even the Editorial has been infected with middle-management-gobbledegook then things must be very bad.

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Post by Jessi »

I shouldn't have read the editorial this morning.

It made me cry.

I'm crying over a fucking pet site. And the fact I'll never have that faerie xweetok I dreamed of having, the fact that my TWO biggest dream pets - that and a grey acara - are now flushed down the toilet. Even my pets that AREN'T redrawn don't seem the same with that one, stupid happy pose staring at me all the time.

The news and editorial today pretty much answered everything I wanted to know. I guess I'm done.
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Post by klaatu99 »

Here's the message I sent to TNT via my userlookup:

Thanks for nothing TNT. You said the recent changes to Neopets was in response to people asking for said changes. I don't buy it. The new customizable pets aren't attractive and if I wanted to play dress-up with something, I'd get a Barbie or download and play fkiss. Again, thank you for making my pets something that I cringe when I look at rather than something I can be proud of.

And just out of spite, I'm not gonna self-freeze or pound my pets. I want their servers to continue to bloat till they implode on themselves.
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Post by adi_gallia »

I wonder how many of us are still going to play Neopets after this, I mean this really is THAT bad. The only reason I go on Neopets is to zap now, but it doesn't make sense since I hate almost any pet that it could produce.
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Post by Rustyblu »

"If you don't like the changes, it's not something we're happy about, but we are trying our best to make the site fun and entertaining for everyone and that's all we can do. :) Stick around for a bit, see if you like it, and if not, we'll be sad to see you go!"

It seems they werent expencting many to like it in the first place! xP
Anna the Red
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Post by Anna the Red »

I'm with Adi, it really IS that bad. Not only have they taken a feature that few are going to like, but they're basically rubbing our faces in it that we're not going to look it, and they couldn't give a rats.

I'm sick of this 'We'll be sad to see you go' and all this other management rubbish they're spewing to make it seem like they still care about their users.

Maybe I'll go back someday. For now, I've left a message on my user lookup and am 'going forward' as they put it.

I kind of want Neopets to go down the drain now, and serve as an example to others. And so Viacom can suffer and lose profits for what they've done.
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Post by Wysteria »

As I've mentioned before on this thread, I went through and saved the old images of my pets on my own computer. They're, when it comes down to it, pretty pixels. Now those pixels live on my computer and their names and petpets and stories live in my head, but I'm content with that. Neopets can do whatever the hell it wants. My pets don't live there anymore, even if technically creatures with their names appear in the Neopets database.

It's about the best solution I can come up with.
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Post by Hawk »

I <strike>second</strike> third the "that bad" statement. I mean, it's not like I went on there very often, but every once in a while I did quests or restocked...

Now that I can't really get any good new pets, what's the point of earning money?
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Post by Slugawoo »

I've also left a "little note" on my profile. :| I hope they're intelligent enough to realize it means I'm moving to a competing pet website whose art doesn't blow.

I'll log in for the next couple of days. I want to see the n00b mail I'll get asking for my stuff. >P It'll be hilarious.

After that, I'll probably freeze my main account. I plan on using Hallowisp for some real life endeavors and I don't want stupid ass Neopets, should they still exist in 5 years, trying to sue me for copyright infringement or whatever. 'Cause they're assholes like that and I wouldn't put it past them. I'll leave my other accounts there to rot. Yay for taking up space!

Now. I'm going to go back to watching the Best Day Edder. Because Ed, Edd and Eddy make me happy. ;^;
Lou 500
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Post by Lou 500 »

The new pet pictures are in flash (thanks for correcting me)... that means we can't put our own pictures over them. :(

*just pretty much stating the obvious*
Last edited by Lou 500 on 28 Apr 2007 03:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by dandelions »

I plan on using Hallowisp for some real life endeavors and I don't want stupid ass Neopets, should they still exist in 5 years, trying to sue me for copyright infringement or whatever. 'Cause they're assholes like that and I wouldn't put it past them.
You're that important?

Lou: they're Flash, not javascript, and if position:absolute is allowed then you can cover the images up.
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Post by Slugawoo »

dandelions wrote:
I plan on using Hallowisp for some real life endeavors and I don't want stupid ass Neopets, should they still exist in 5 years, trying to sue me for copyright infringement or whatever. 'Cause they're assholes like that and I wouldn't put it past them.
You're that important?

Lou: they're Flash, not javascript, and if position:absolute is allowed then you can cover the images up.
No, of course I'm not. But they tried to sue aftermathzone, when it still existed, for having a tiger pet(and and ANTHRO one at that). ...Well, not so much tried to sue them as sent emails saying they would. God forbid they see a dragon on TV/webcomic/video game ect and try to claim it's a draik. -rolls eyes-
Last edited by Slugawoo on 28 Apr 2007 02:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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