Site feature requests

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Site feature requests

Post by dandelions »

I have approximately a month free from now, so if there's anything which people would like added to the site, Subeta or Neopets-related, now is a good time to suggest it. I can't guarantee it'll be added, but it stands a better chance now than if you suggest it in October :)

Some caveats:
- no forum features. I'm planning to upgrade us to phpBB3 once it's fully released, and adding things to the forum will make that more difficult.
- anything you suggest will be checked to make sure it won't use too much bandwidth; if it does, it'll need to wait a while.
- nothing involving collecting the new images for all the old pets, because I haven't time to find ~1700 images on my own. There is a possibility that I'm going to ask for everyone's help in putting together a list of the URLs, but that's going to come later, since I'm still hoping the Rainbow Pool will solve this problem.
- I don't really want to add the Neopets clothes, because that's going to become difficult to update. The News images don't always show all of even the species-specific clothing, and adding individual images of each bit of clothing will be tedious. This also applies to the Subeta avatar system - I don't want to, say, create an avatar previewer. Other sites do these better already.

And in case anyone's curious, we do have all the old Neopets pose images saved, in case Neopets does delete them from the server, though we're currently not using them because it makes a lot more sense to direct-link them from Neopets right now. So you don't need to suggest that :)
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Post by adi_gallia »

How about that Neopets species revamp Better/Worse polls thing I brought up before?

What about people to comment on the new Subeta colours like ooga, EofS and Daisy do now? I don't know if this is really all that necessary or if anyone would do it but I thought it could make the Subeta section have something more.

Hmm..maybe there will be some better ideas.
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Post by Silverevilchao »

I would love you forever if we had the color comments system back, the one where we rated pet colors and added our comments. That was awesome. xD;; Also, it would be really cool if you made it possible for the Subeta part of the site, too.
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Post by Kidnemo »

Silverevilchao wrote:I would love you forever if we had the color comments system back, the one where we rated pet colors and added our comments. That was awesome. xD;; Also, it would be really cool if you made it possible for the Subeta part of the site, too.
Ooh that was fun! Was it hard to code? A Subeta version would be good.
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Post by Fjorab_Teke »

I don't know if there are sites out there that have this already (I'm not always brave enough to trudge through bigger fansites), but I would love a list of all the possible shopkeepers. Neopets' way of choosing them is handy if one is looking for a theme, but it's no longer possible to see all of them in one list...andI have a vague suspeicion there might even be some hidden now because of it...then again for the same reason, those would be inaccessible to use.

But I think it would be nifty to have those listed. It's completely unnecessary and may well be more trouble than it's worth though.
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Post by thelonetiel »

I actually have a shopkeeper code somewhere. It's pretty simple PHP, but Jazzy, you're welcome to contact me if you want to tweak it to use on the site. I had a big project in plan, but then Neopets organized their shopkeepers themselves, so it's just the listing code, 50 at a time.

I still miss the old item feature, where you could search any item and its description, which it took from the Trading Post. But I'm not sure if we want bots like that, which are questionably legal, and I wouldn't know where to begin coding it.

Also, height and weight stuff? I believe the stuff was lost, though the data is probably still on the forums somewhere. It'd be nice to recover that page, though I recall it frequently being riddled with false data that we might not want to keep the "Add your own pet!" stuff, which theoretically makes it easier to code too.
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Post by daisybell »

I ditto the shopkeeper thing- it is something we used to have way back on Sam's site. I'd also like to suggest the site theme graphics- especially the sets of images that appear in the bottom right hand corner. There are lots of nice pet graphics there which could be useful for making pet lookups and so on.

I'm sure I've had other ideas which I've already pestered you with, I just need some more time to think about what they were ;P
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Post by dandelions »

1. How about that Neopets species revamp Better/Worse polls thing I brought up before?
I plan to do this. Might be in place later today if it's straightforward.
2. What about people to comment on the new Subeta colours like ooga, EofS and Daisy do now? I don't know if this is really all that necessary or if anyone would do it but I thought it could make the Subeta section have something more.
I don't know if it'll really work - Subeta can't even sustain a New Colours forum, so I'm not sure if there's much to say about the colours.
3. I would love you forever if we had the color comments system back, the one where we rated pet colors and added our comments. That was awesome. xD;;
It seems a bit pointless to add this while we don't have the version of the images which are actually available on Neopets itself. I mean, you can say "I hate colour A" and give it 1/10, but chances are you can't actually paint your pet that anyway. And I would definitely, definitely not allow comments, because those are hell to moderate (I bet Joeno didn't bother; he certainly didn't bother moderating the height-weight data. I was doing that).
4. Also, it would be really cool if you made it possible for the Subeta part of the site, too.
This, however, I'm considering, given that there isn't the same problem with the images being out of date.
5. I don't know if there are sites out there that have this already (I'm not always brave enough to trudge through bigger fansites), but I would love a list of all the possible shopkeepers. Neopets' way of choosing them is handy if one is looking for a theme, but it's no longer possible to see all of them in one list...andI have a vague suspeicion there might even be some hidden now because of it...then again for the same reason, those would be inaccessible to use.
What will you actually do with the great big long list? Do people want a page which simply displays ~2000 images at a time? I suspect this isn't difficult to add, it's just that I can't really see the point in doing it. The reason why Sam had it was because he allowed searches on them, and Neopets now does that itself.
6. I still miss the old item feature, where you could search any item and its description, which it took from the Trading Post. But I'm not sure if we want bots like that, which are questionably legal, and I wouldn't know where to begin coding it.
Yeah, I know Sam got frozen for use of bots, and I don't want to risk it.
7. Also, height and weight stuff? I believe the stuff was lost, though the data is probably still on the forums somewhere. It'd be nice to recover that page, though I recall it frequently being riddled with false data that we might not want to keep the "Add your own pet!" stuff, which theoretically makes it easier to code too.
There's still the height page ("Pet Sizes"), and I could consider adding weight by the same methods I used to populate the height page. I'm not going back to the "add your own" method, because I hated having to get rid of all the fake data. There isn't actually much of a variation in height for each species, and I'd guess weight is the same. The data we used before is irrevocably lost thanks to two things: I deleted the forum version years ago, and Joeno deleted the db version in his hissy fit.
8. I'd also like to suggest the site theme graphics- especially the sets of images that appear in the bottom right hand corner. There are lots of nice pet graphics there which could be useful for making pet lookups and so on.

Do you mean adding the graphics used on the new equivalent of sidebar themes? The main problem is that I can't collect these on my own because I don't have all the sidebars. I'd quite like to create a page which lets you test-drive the available themes, I'm just not sure how to get the images. (I'm missing, at the very least, the Winter, Premium and Hoban themes.)
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Post by adi_gallia »

I have the Winter and Hoban themes if that could be of any help, although you probably need to have the sidebars yourself don't you?

I also second the pet rating thing, I didn't suggest it because I have done before and I think you have said no. But now you are considering it, at least for Subeta, I would like it back. I used to come on Neocolours just to rate Neopets because it was fun to see what the most popular pets were and such. I only joined these forums because the main site broke. xD
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Post by daisybell »

Couldn't someone who has the sidebar just provide a list of the image urls? And, if necessary, the CSS that is specific to the sidebar theme. I did manage to find that at one point, but I can't remember how at the moment- I think it's not that hard from poking around in the source code, anyway.

I still think it would be good to have the shopkeeper database, even though Neo does a better job than it did. They only display two columns of shopkeepers, for a start, and you have to keep unticking the "transparent" box every time. It would also be good if you could sort the pets by colour, too, although that would depend on the database you used.
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Post by Seerow »

I have the the Premium sidebar if its needed, and for the rest of the day I have the birthday sidebar as well. I think I have all the others asides from the Hoban one so if you need any of the images for them just let me know.

I add another vote to a shopkeeper page though. I hate using Neo's and eventually just stuck to using the same shopkeeper all the time because it was a pain to go through and find a new one.
Wanna donate towards my drink gallery, the Golden Goblet.
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