Revamped Bloodred Dragarth

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Post by Sunwolf »

*yawn* Boring, too happy, uninspiring. Quite disappointing for a Bloodred pet. I third or fourth the "too dark" compliant - I can barely see the blood at all. Then again, I've always disliked Dragarths - the concept of a furry dragon is bizzare, and the Peter-Parker-emo-hairflop that they have drives me crazy.
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Post by Twofold Black »

Hmm. Well, I can't see it (on my immaculately color calibrated display -- stop treating us like we're idiots, Subeta staff, and fix your damn gamma), but when I fiddle with it so that I <i>can</i> see it it is flatly awful, so that's all right.
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Post by zebru »

Poor Armi. Old bloodred dragath had a certain charm of its own but this does very little - it's just too playful/happy looking. And did I say that I hated dragath revamp with passion? Still do.

As for it being dark - I have ridiculously bright monitor (I can't see shading on anything cream coloured or white, sketch neopets don't look shaded on my screen unless I highlight the image) and this is still looking a shade too dark.
Last edited by zebru on 29 Aug 2007 09:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Luxe »

covet wrote:I wouldn't say it looks terrible, but it does nothing for me. I like how dark it is, I suppose, there just isn't anything that stands out as awesome. The furry chest continues to bother me. It's an improvement on what went before, at least.

This needs to be required reading for anyone updating the news.
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Post by Iggy »

Now, for a correct review.

First, each time I see a Bloodred pet who isn't a Bloodred Sheeta revamp, I'm sad.

Unlike the BR Archan, who I actually liked, this lacks some vicious tendencies. I associated the Archan with a more Burtonian/Gothic Archetype pet, which is the reason I liked it.

The Dragarth doesn't strike me as a perfect BR pet. I want more blood, more fangs, more claws! It looks too happy. And it is dark. I can see things, but I need to focus.=)
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Post by Elzaim »

I'd just like to bring this up as a direct quote out of the comments section for the new BR dragarth...

"Posted by Malabui

I'm confused, what is the difference between the Dragon and Dragath now? They both have wings, are chubby and round and basically look the same."

I concur. 'Nuff said.
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Post by mellaka »

i was also unsure of what species it was at first, until i took a closer look at the face and read the comment with it. it almost seemed like a tamer br dragon to me.

as a few have said, i like the color of the inside of the wings and the chest. beyond that i don't really have anything else to say. i don't particularly like dragarths so the revamp doesn't really affect me.
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Post by Kantark »

I don't know if it's an improvement or not. I preferred the older, pre-revamp Dragarth generally but this one isn't too bad comapred to the other new Dragarths.

I don't really like Bloodred as a colour, it always seemed a bit cliché emo to me. At least now the blood is so dark it looks like the Dragarth is leaving his carbon footprint behind :P
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Post by shaelyn76 »

I don't feel so bad after reading through this thread that I too thought it was a dragon for a second when I saw it on the news. I like the color of the chest fur and the wings, but I can see all of 3 drops of red blood and the rest is a big black blob. It is just way too dark. I actually like the dragarth as they are a cute fuzzy version of a dragon. I always think of them as like the plushie version of a dragon. This color revamp is an improvement, but it doesn't really seem like a BR pet at all to me as it has so little actual blood on it. Better art, but not my idea of a BR pet.
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Post by Rajface »

I can see the pose DNA was going for... I think. Sort of a dragon rampant, like on those old English shields and coats of arms? I dunno. That's what it reminded me of anyways.

The head is way too small for the body. Again. I've noticed a pattern with that lately.

Aaand, it is kinda dark, but the room my computer is in isn't lit very well right now, so I'll wait until tomorrow morning.

Lastly. Yeah. That far hind leg is torqued really painfully. xD Should we really be seeing the third toe? :x
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Post by Seerow »

I dunno, I kinda like it. The pose may be a bit strange, but like Rajface said she was going for the coat-of-arms look. I also like that there is less blood on this pet, though there could be some on the wings I guess. I doubt I'll ever own one cause I simply don't have room, but this is a nice pet.

Count me in as someone who thought it was a Dragon at first too .
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Post by AngharadTy »

Very dark. Not enough blood. So I don't like it. The chest and the wings are nice, though.
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Post by dandelions »

blah blah old version 1.96 blah cleared, <a href="rating.php">rate again</a>?

I also agree that dragarth and dragon are far too similar, and nearly wiped the records of a completely different pet as a result.
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Post by Mayhem »

DNA needs to put the tablet down, seriously. Her latest projects just ... ugh.

It's getting to the point to where the situation is like someone said on here, "everything I like by this person I just really, really dislike."

edited: to be more general because I don't feel like searching for who said it.
Last edited by Mayhem on 30 Aug 2007 02:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Iggy »

Mayhem wrote:DNA needs to put the tablet down, seriously. Her latest projects just ... ugh.

It's getting to the point to where the situation Luxe (I think it was Luxe?) described that "everything I like by this person I just really, really dislike."
I think it was Jessi who said that, actually.
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