RL Achievements and ToW-split 2/16/09

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Post by ladynight6 »

It's been changed to five this year, atleast that's what our councellor is telling us. I don't know really, I need to check UCAS tomorrow, and start filling out stuff. :)
The American essays are really different, they showed us both and how to write them. The guy just told us to be creative and stuff. The quote thing sounds really smart, and I think I got the perfect quote (even though it's a bit long, and not by anyone famous)! Yay! :D *huggles Jazzy* Thanks for the advice!

And sorry for hijacking the thread. :oops:
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Post by nanabobo567 »

I'm sorry about changing the subject, but I must say, today was great.
Band has its perks. We went to perform at the York Fair. After we were done, we had from four to seven to play around. All of us in our band shirts walking around was great, you could tell who to shun and who not to. There was a Yu-Gi-Oh! world tour thing there. I won two booster packs and a starter deck that I let my friend have, though I kept the promo card, the pin, and a single monster: Dark Mimic LV1. If all Mimics in video games and RPGs looked like that, the world would be a better place. I wasted money on a giant Donkey Kong plushie that I didn't win, and I got an adorable little statue of a Brass Dragon curled up half-asleep that fits nicely on my Shelf of Dragons and a Groudon (title pending). I am sorry if this is incoherent, that was the best day ever.
Seerow wrote:Aww Nana, I didn't think you meant you were literally dead last night :(
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Post by Fjorab_Teke »

To be honest, this date hasn't really resonated with me terribly. September has always been my favorite month despite what happened 6 years ago.

But now...my husband is overseas largely because of the USA's reaction to what happened then, and it's finally hit rather close to home for me. :-( *vaguely mutters about things that are probably better left unsaid*

It's a big woe for me, since I won't get to see him until April, and I'll get to talk with him before then but still no idea how soon. And though he'll be in a lower-risk area doing a lower-risk job, there's still that chance....

But it doesn't warrant a thread of its own here at NC even though I just sorta repeated myself.

A good thing? I now have two rather nice little kittens.
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Post by checkers »

I don't know if this is an Achievement or Woe really, I suppose it is both ^^
Today before I left for school, my mum picked up the post and did her normal flick through, and she found a parcle for me. ^^

So I opened it, and inside was a letter,
14 August 2007!
Congratulations Liam Fuller!
We are pleased to announce that YOU are a successful competition runner up for the Harry Potter Prize Draw in assosciation with Tesco!

Your prize is an exclusive 'Dumbledore's Army' pin badge, gaining you membership to a highly prestigious Dumbledore's Army. Wear it with Pride and show your loyal support to Harry Potter and his friend in their quest to defeat Lord Voldemort.

Don't miss out on the very latest Harry Potter exclusive news, games and downloads on the fantastic official Harry Potter website at: http://www.harrypotter.co.uk .
Be the evny of all your friends with our magical range of products, still available at Tesco. So what are you waiting for? Log on and get involved as Harry Potter takes the world by storm!

We hope you enjoy this badge, thankyou for participating.

Kind Regards,
*Insert D and some squiggle*
David Binnie
General Manager Warnder Bros.
(Consumer Products UK!)
I'm chuffed to bits that I was a runner-up! ^_^ OMGAHHHHH. Even not winning was great! For those of you who don't know it was a contest to visit the Harry Potter cast and crew/filming set.

Well, I didn't win, but I was runner up and I get a nifty gold badge :D It says DA on it! ^_^ -excited- Another thing to add to my treasures (His real life Treasures box)
...Even if it is just a badge, but still it is a really cool one!
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Post by danceu4ia »

checkers wrote:Well, I didn't win, but I was runner up and I get a nifty gold badge :D It says DA on it! ^_^ -excited- Another thing to add to my treasures (His real life Treasures box)
...Even if it is just a badge, but still it is a really cool one!
LEMMEE SEE!!! I wants to see this DA badge...then I can threaten your life with my jealousy!!

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Post by adi_gallia »

ugh..why don't they just rename Mechanics 2 (and Mechanics 1 for that matter) Physics dressed up as Maths. I didn't know Further Maths would have a module that was basically Physics, heck we are even being taught by a Physics teacher.

Yes this is a woe because I got a C in Physics at GCSE..my only C (I got mostly Bs, 3 As and an A*). So basically this subject is meant to be one of my strong points, yet it has a whole module of one of my weakest elements in it. >__<;;
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Post by anzuronamin »

WOE. I want to get into a class that should apparently help me to relax and concentrate, but my schedual won't bend that way. So now I most likely have to wait until next year, if possible.

Uuuuuuuuuuuurgh. Watch me fail 10th grade.
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Post by dandelions »

My grandma is not very well; I'd appreciate it if you'd keep her in your thoughts.
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Post by KauKrazy »

My thoughts are with you.

I myself have a funeral to go to tomorrow, my grandmother's older brother died at the age of 79. He spent his last month in the same hospital where I work, only at a different floor, in a different unit. But I still got to visit him throughout his last month. It felt kind of good because it was certain he would not live more than a few weeks and I knew it. Even if he didn't recognize me (he had Alzheimer's, at a quite advanced stage, among other problems), it was kind of nice to be able to spend some time with him.
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Post by gomababe »

Sorry to those of you who have recently lost loved ones *hugs all round*

In other news:

Achievement: I went to my first night of voluntary work with th young carers time out group and had a ball ^_^. I think I lost a few pounds as well what with all the running around we were doing.

Woe: My shoulder is all sore because I cannot crab walk for the life of me and I kept on geting caught :oops:.
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Post by adi_gallia »

Jazzy, you know you'll have our thoughts.

More of a disappointment than a woe, but here it is. I've been waiting to hear the second single from Leona Lewis, since she's been working on an album since December or something. I heard it today and I don't like it, for a start it's called Bleeding Love and any song that mentions blood automatically makes me a bit creeped out. Basically most of the song is like this:

"I keep bleeding
I keep, keep bleeding love " (and repeat)

Ok, so it's not literal blood but I still get creeped out nonetheless. The words "You cut me open" and "heart crippled by the vein" also appear in the song, which is also a thumbs down since things that make me squeamish = something I don't want to listen to.

Then, without the words I don't really like it much, her voice is borderline country singer at times. I'm sure I'll end up liking it eventually, but with the heavy repetition of bleeding I doubt it.

The single can be heard here if anyone here is interested in her single, I doubt it but hey I don't want to bitch about a song without linking to it.
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Post by Spivsy »

I listened up to where she says what sounds like 'hit' at the start, and I didn't like it, so I stopped.
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Post by checkers »

dandelions wrote:My grandma is not very well; I'd appreciate it if you'd keep her in your thoughts.
I'm sure we all will =(

Woe: After finding out that my Step-Grandfather has cancer, I go on today to find out that he also has a tumor in one of his stomach organs I think, as if cancer wasn't hard enough to deal with, now a tumor as well? :( my Mum and Step-Dad are going to see him later today, I don't know much about what's going on, I just hope it ends up alright.

Achievement: I'm actually earning my own money on top of pocket money, paper round, it's great, blistery hands hurt, but earning 15-25£ a week is good, I'm getting quite a bit of money, so now I can buy some of the Vintage range of star wars figures to add to my collection :3 Before I was worried about buying them and not using them too much, but now I can treat myself.
*eyes up a Leia and Han Solo figure* ^_^ weeeeeee.
Congratulations, you just bought this item.
Last edited by checkers on 19 Sep 2007 09:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Figment »

*hugs Jazzy*

I'll light candles for your grandmother, and for other peoples' ill relatives.
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Post by Wingsrising »

dandelions wrote:My grandma is not very well; I'd appreciate it if you'd keep her in your thoughts.
I'm sorry your grandmother is not well (and to everyone who has lost or has unwell relatives.) I'll send her good thoughts. :hugs:

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