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Post by dandelions »

Abigail's prize today is this:
and AAA's is this:
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Post by Wingsrising »

I decided to go for AAA today and I hope I don't regret it. My Merca Chase II high score is WAY higher than that but depends on hitting some decent neggs somewhere along the way.

Lots of Meerca Chase for me before I go to bed this evening...
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Post by zebru »

Todays challenge took me ages this time. I really wanted that plushie so I refused to give up as I knew I could beat AAA if I got a Fish Negg. Fish Negg appeared after some 50 games and I finally have my plushie *galleries happily*

Btw you don't have to sign up with either challenger in order to play for prizes. Play, and only after you get to satisfying score enter the challenge and then send the score you had achieved before entering (same as with WC challenges).
Last edited by zebru on 03 Mar 2007 12:49 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by rebelheart »

I got a Fish Negg in my very first game today, and since I never actually play that didn't help me much. *waiting for the next one*
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Post by Wingsrising »

Really? You can play first, challenge afterwards? I'll have to remember that.

I managed to get a game wtih 2 Fish Neggs in a row after playing Meerca Chase for a half-hour straight. (I could get 700 with one Fish Negg if I don't choke once I get it, which I did on my first Fish Negg).

Phew. Next time I'm not going to challenge AAA in advance unless I beat his score regularly, instead of just when I'm lucky.
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Post by Huggles »

Grah. I still want to know for sure whether or not the uberific prize is a result of beating one challenger or a combination on launch day and if we can only get one bonus prize. You can't go back and challenge another opponent after you've already beaten one. I can completely thrash AAA on bouncy supreme in less than 5 minutes, but I don't want to try unless I'm sure I'm not going to get screwed.
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Post by Akjara »

He, if Abigail is always giving out food as prizes I probably go for her challenges even if I could beat AAA for my food gallery. Shiny! :)
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Post by rebelheart »

You can only get one bonus prize. If you've challenged Abigail once you're already disqualified for the ultimate prize.

You don't have to stick to one challenger. So if you beat one of them in each game on the first day you get the uberrific prize, if you beat Aaa in all games but somehow don't manage to play on the first day for a game you get the megasuberb prize. If you played each game and beat either one of them by the end of march you get that fourth prize.

So, say you challenged aaa today but had already sent in all your scores for Meerca chase before you did, or you suddenly fall asleep and can't play for the rest of the day. Then your score from tomorrow will count towards the challenge. Or you are on holiday now and you don't get back to Neo until March 31st. Then you can still pick a challnger for each of the 31 games and complete the whole thing in one day. Which means you have the most time to practise destruct-o-match, or you better start to practise Volacano Run now because once that challenge kicks off you only got 24 hours to complete it.

The challenger you beat must be the one you challenged for that game, if you click the challenge button for aaa and only later realize you'll never get his score, although you might beat Abigail, you're out. which is why they gave an extra long explanation to first try and think, then click, in the first place.

If you can easily beat Aaa on most of the games but have a tough time on a few of them you need to decide whether you want to go for the third prize or the second - sent a low score and beat abigail on the first day, or practise for a few more days and maybe get a lucky score to beat Aaa. We can't know which one will end up being better, and in the end it's always supply and demand that sets the actual value of the prizes given out.
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Post by Jessi »

I could beat Aaa easily on this one, but I LOVE the bag of neggs so I did Abigail anyway xD I'm already disqualified from the main prize so I don't really care.

but that's good to know, Zebru, thank you!
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Post by Huggles »

Editorial wrote:Okay, my question is about this: "Uberiffic - Defeat AAA or Abigail on the launch day of all 31 games." When they say AAA or Abigail, does that mean you can do it interchangeably (like 25 AAA, 6 Abigail) or do you have to do a single one for all 31 wins? Thanks in advance if you answer. (P.S. Zafaras rock ^_^) ~ssj_yamcha1847501425
For the prizes that state AAA OR Abigail it means they are interchangeable. So remember, even if you challenge Abigail just once, you won't be eligible for the Ultimate or Megasuperb prizes.
Yays! The only games I'm worried about now are Magax and Dubloon Disaster. Magax is intolerably boring, but possibly doable for Abigail. It might take me a couple hours to beat her at Dubloon Disaster though. I barely got 50 points from the last challenge.
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Post by Wingsrising »

Dubloon Disaster has been revamped since the last challenge. It's a lot easier to score points now (though a lot harder to earn NP because of the crappy NP ratio on the new version.)
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Post by Fjorab_Teke »

I'm relatively good on Meerca Chase so I challenged AAA. Over the course of an hour and a half I went through several games of "Yay! Fish Negg! Booo the rest are plain yellow ones and I'm getting this mad maze of red...die...drat!" FINALLY I got a game where I hit two Rainbow Neggs and started giving up hope with the nasty red maze building up, but I kept my composure just long enough to weave through it and grab that Fish Negg...and died promptly afterward quite relieved.

Score: 984 Congratulations, you won your challenge! AAA has awarded you Meerca Chase II Plushie.

And it looks like indeed your pending challenges from previous days are winnable later, if the reward screen is an indicator.

"Day 1
Destruct-O-Match II AAA
2,500 0 Not Yet "
I don't know if I'll hit that one, but I'll try if I'm feeling bold and adventurous and don't plan to do anything else all day. :P

Some of the games should be EASY EASY for me to beat him, though. Whack-A-Kass? NO problem!

At least this will be another motivator to at least try some more games. Each time I set that goal for myself, I fizzle out after two or three.
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Post by klaatu99 »

Bah. On todays challenge of Dubloon Disaster, I challenged Abigail since my highest score was only 104 and I didn't think I'd ever get the 1200 to beat Aaa. And wouldn't you know it, the first dubloon that pops up for me was worth 1000 points and I ended up getting 1350 total. Stupid challenge games, taunting me.

And just for the record:
Aaa's prize - 1200 points
Limited Edition Platnum Plated Y9 Commemorative Dubloon

Abigail's prize - 75 points
Dubloon Bank
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Post by gomababe »

Meh Like I sad before the only game I'm likely to beat Aaa's score in is Turmac Roll so I'm out of the 1st and 2nd prizes, but I do like Abigail's prizes ^_^, so cute. I found a strategy that works for me in Dubloon Disaster so I managed to get 75 point after half an hour's play {and dieing 3 times before I got over Abigail's score ¬_¬}. I@m quite hapy about this since it gives me a chance to play games I'd never think of trying before.
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Post by Dixie »

I'm already out for the first two prizes. I've challenged Abigail already and had to play the first game a day late, so I suppose now I'll just challenge whoever depending on whether I know I can beat them, and aim for the fourth prize.
Thanks for that explanation, rebelheart. =)
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