Click boxes for great justice! (with edits)

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Lily Was Here
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Click boxes for great justice! (with edits)

Post by dandelions »

Or, help me out by providing your opinions. There's no point in me attempting to produce a results page based on just what I think about pets - everything's either going to be 100% in favour or 0% in favour. So I need other people to submit things before I make a start on that.

Here's the page:
Note: you must choose which out of the old or new versions you prefer for <i>every</i> pet on the page. If you don't, it'll give you an error when you submit. Otherwise...have fun, or something :) Once I have enough records, I'll code a results page and you can see everyone else's opinions.

<b>edit:</b> I've recoded the database now so that the following changes have happened:
- neutral votes are now possible
- you can now not vote on a pet
Results page, once again, coming once there's a reasonable number of results. Sorry, but if you've voted already you'll need to vote again, because of the new Neutral option. And please only vote on the basic version of the pet, not on anything which may have happened to the redraws.
Last edited by dandelions on 10 Aug 2007 07:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by EofS »

I'm aware that this is spectacularly unhelpful, but maybe it's just early enough to still be possible...

Would it not be possible to have a "no significant difference" option? There are some pets where I honestly couldn't choose between old and new - either because it's like the gnorbu and hasn't changed, or it's like the blumaroo and the pros/cons of old and new level out in the end.

If not, of course, I'll just have to... erm... I dunno actually.
Lily Was Here
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Post by dandelions »

I thought about adding a "neither/both/no change/neutral" option, since I had the same problem with the Gnorbu and Moehog, but the basic problem is that right now the results page is straining the database a bit and adding more than two options is going to make it worse.

Slightly more detailed explanation time:
- currently, the results page looks for all the possible species in the database (1 query)
- it counts the total number of votes per species (1 query - they're all the same so I only need to do it once)
- for each species, it counts the number of "new" votes (54 queries)
- it then does new/total*100 to give a percentage for each species, then rounds it to 1dp
- it also will display a bar showing which percentage of people prefer "new", and the leftover space is "old".
total queries: 56, total number of php calculations: 54.

To display a "neutral" option as well:
- the page looks for all the species in the db (1 query)
- it counts the total number of votes per species (1 query)
- for each species, it counts the number of "new" votes (54 queries) and "old" votes (54 queries)
- it does new/total*100 to give a percentage for new for each species, and old/total*100 to give a percentage for old, rounding each to 1dp
- it displays a bar showing which percentage prefers "old", which "new", and the leftover space is "neutral".
total queries: 110, total number of php calculations: 108.

So instead of that, I'm hoping that in those cases the numbers will simply hover around 50%. Especially as more people vote, I think it'll just end up far too slow to be usable.
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Post by EofS »

Aaah. I hadn't realised it was going to be a dynamic database driven results page, I thought it would be more like the height and weight. That's a shame it can't be done, but I can understand why you chose to omit it now.

I'll have a think about whether or not I will vote.
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Post by AngharadTy »

I think I should be able to heavily weight my votes for zafara and krawk, because I own those two. ;P
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Post by hebdenhippy »

Cool idea ^^ it should be interesting to see the results of this.
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Post by Goldenchaos »

Is it just me, or did they fix the wierdness of the Ixi?..
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Post by Officer 1BDI »

Will we be able to vote on the redraw colors eventually? Because there are some pets whose revamps I was indifferent to until I saw what had happened to Royal/Mutant/Faerie variety (i.e, the Kyrii).
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Post by dandelions »

Heh, probably not. It's a bit of a logistical nightmare attempting to make it possible for every pet ever - for a start, the db will have to be a lot bigger.

I've edited it now so that the following changes have happened:
- neutral votes are now possible
- you can now not vote on a pet
Results page, once again, coming once there's a reasonable number of results.
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Post by Twofold Black »

Oh sure, Jazzy, <i>immediately after</i> I vote. ;)
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Post by dandelions »

It's because I don't like you, clearly. I think it's because you're
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Post by Twofold Black »

Shut up! My mommy says I'm pretty and smart!
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Post by lavender »

I can't wait to see the results ^_^ Great work, Jazzy!
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Post by adi_gallia »

Heh, who knew that so many would actually be interested in the results? I thought I would have been the only one who was interested in seeing. I guess not. ^__^

Then again looking at the Blue ones, the revamps don't look too bad, but I'm sure if it were Faerie, Darigan etc. the results would differ, but this is the fairest way to do it as there are few, if any, old redraws that pets came in and pretty much all of them would have the old ones favoured.
Lily Was Here
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Post by dandelions »

And here's the results page:
Interesting results include the Chia and Poogle, which have distinct differences between versions, but still come out as neutral overall. The Gnorbu and Moehog, on the other hand, are not exactly surprises.
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