Changing Gears

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Changing Gears

Post by Ailiel »

I'm a long term Neopets player. I started playing February 28, 2000, and apart from a couple of long hiatus' (when I would check in at least every few months to lab) I've been a pretty dedicated player. Mainly I've enjoyed painting my pets. I used to vow I would only have one account of painted pets, yet now I have four. And to be honest I am feeling kind of silly about it. I recently spent like maybe four million neopoints on pets for a side account. At the time I was very happy with it, now with the revamps, not so much. But maybe it's not just the revamp-- I mean, I have a side account, now it's completed with pets-- now what can I do with it? Let it rot??? I don't roleplay, owning the neopets was supposed to be the whole point. But I find it kind of lackluster now really.

Now I've decided I really want to train my battle pet and outfit him with weapons. But I'm really wishing I decided this four million neopoints ago, lol. I'm also thinking of majorly downsizing my side accounts, leaving them at just one or two. It's almost too much to log into them all and I don't really do anything with them.

Just wondering if anyone else has had a recent change of interests on Neopets. I know a lot of people have lost interest all together, but after seven years of finding the site amusing I don't think it's really going to change anytime soon or suddenly.
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Post by Usul_Princess »

Well, personally I've had a dramatic change of venue here. I used to be about painting all my pets, and having nice side accounts. Now that the pets suck so bad, I'm basically only into gaming and nothing else. If and when that gets boring I'll probably quit too. I want to give it another month or two because I've been playing for 6 years myself. It's just entirely too hard to just up and quit. Sadly I can't compare it to anything else but a bad habit like smoking; It's just impossible to quit cold turkey. But the new layout/pets may or may not annoy me enough to quit entirely. I just have no idea when exactly. Premium has one more month before I cancel it. There's no point in having it if I'm not 100% in love with Neo anymore. Though I could never bring myself to self freeze all my accounts, it's getting to the point where I'm probably going to take a break. Or just get new pets that won't undergo a revamp.

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Post by Kamil »

I have, simply because it's impossible now for me to replace some of the pets I lost last year when I was iced - so I guess now I'm going to spend my time saving for expensive petpets for my few pets that weren't trashed in the revamp (and p3s if I can bear the pressure of daring Boochi to zap me again while I refresh to attach the things) and then I'll probably spend a lot of money collecting prettyful things for my gallery. The items are still lovely, after all.

But my days of spending hours on the site are over; all I do now is check my existing stocks, buy whatever the guild tells me to, do five sets of zaps and call it good.

I got three new Hissis this afternoon and I just know one will turn darigan just to spite me. The revamped darigan Hissi is ugly beyond the telling of it, and the old one is not only one of the pets I lost last year but was one of my very favorite pets on the site.

I was waiting for Hissi Day this year to collect Hissis and zap for another one . . . well, I've got the Hissis now, but I guess I'm going to be trying for ice and robot. I still like ice and robot looks nice. . . I think. *peers at tiny images again*

Good luck deciding what you want to do with your side pets, and with your main account. Battling, at least what I did of it with Chaffee, is hella fun, but can be omg expensive. Whatever you decide, I hope you have fun doing it. =D
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Post by Caz »

I'm pretty much attempting to quit Neopets here. I've frozen all my accounts, save for my main and an account I was waiting to create that only got purged... about three days before the revamp happened, after it was frozen for almost five years. Freezing it again seems insane to me. :?

I think I'm doing better. I didn't even play any games today and haven't been on since this morning. I was basically building a neohome on my main and getting all the extensions as some kind of closure. Now that's done... not sure what to do next, but since I do want to quit, I should just not go to the site...

I do still have a month of Premium left though... I made the mistake of paying for a year of it... I'll never do it again. :P
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Post by Huggles »

I find it odd how easily it has winked out of my daily routine. I've read the new plot comics, completed the puzzle, and battled the monster; but I don't think I've been on for more than half an hour since I finished giving away my stuff. I'd like to add that I defeated it with one 4of11's crappy uni species abilities and nothing else. I pondered seeing how far I could go without weapons, but not for very long. I'm basically waiting for the pound to be fixed.

Before this all happened, I was finally getting serious about drawing my pets and making their lookups, along with finishing my neohome. Now, I'm relieved that I didn't make it that far only to have this thrust upon me a week after I'd finished perfecting my pets. Right now I'm trying to see how many I can salvage and turn into original characters. Smenkare is the only one I've got a fairly solid idea for at the moment. I like where she's going much more than I thought I would, so I'm not too worried about the rest. The only one that really bugs me is Aluqard and I think that's mostly due to PQ. I can't really picture him as anything but a royalboy kyrii, no matter how I try. Oh well.
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Post by Iggy »

After drolling over Cyro and Jazzy's galleries, I decided to bite the bullet in June 2006. I currently own a size 251, soon to be 252, due to a wonderful donator pretty item gallery.

So, the revamps weren't much for me, because I've outgrown the pet part of the site nearly one year BEFORE the revamps.

The three pet I plan to change, two of them will be changed due to the revamp, the third one, simply because the Robot Gnorbu bores me, now.
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Post by rebelheart »

I've been planning to have my 40month celebration. I bought shiny presents to give away, I was *this* close to getting my 300 boosts and the week before a few good stock sales had finally pushed me over the hill with my bank account goal.
Along came neopets 2.0
Two of my real life friends who played neo have pretty much quit as well, I haven't logged into my sides in over a week because there's no point in labbing when there's nothing pretty left that your pet could turn into. There's no one left to give presents to, and those who are still around are on the edge of leaving anyway. I've played the plot so far but I don't make an effort to get up early in the morning (midnight NST is 9am here) to finish stuff I didn't do the day before. I now so wish I'd painted my pets ages ago but I thought I'd have all the time in the world. Now I'll never get my rodgorn to be plushie nimmo because the new converted ones are just ugly. And just what they did to my robot koi makes me cringe inside.
I can't believe they could do something this stupid. They've proven themselves unprofessional before, but not to this extend.
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Post by dandelions »

I can't believe my gallery inspired you and yet your shop size is now bigger than the total number of items in mine (225) :P

Like Shiggy, I didn't have many pet goals anyway so the way I'm playing hasn't changed, though what I might now do is make Featheric a Plushie Draik.
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Me too

Post by hebdenhippy »

Well, I set about wanting to get 5 accounts full of painted pets, but now I'm thinking, what's the point? They'll only sit there and rot, so I have now decided to just have my main account with 4 really good pets. I am currently labbing Sonraa so she can be my battle pet, and I am saving up for a Faerie Paint Brush. But no more side accounts for me :D

I am also spending a lot more time on Subeta, I'm really getting into it, it's good :D
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Post by Kari »

Originally, I was saving up for a Darigan PB for my last unpainted pet on my main account. Since the Darigan Draik looks horrible now, I'm leaving her Mutant and working on her stats and battle set. That's also because of the "war" going on, because I sold all of her weapons but one and let her stats slip to be really uneven.

I also wanted to eventually paint pets on my other accounts. Since most of those planned pets have lost their charm, I guess whatever money I have after training and weapons (which is little since that's an ongoing thing) would go to my gallery, which is also neglected.

Something kind of funny though. I've spent more time on the site in the past few days earning money than I have in the months leading up to the revamp.
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Post by Iggy »

Jazzy, I'm quite the obsessive one. I wanted to quit at 1000, which was my Fleurbik, but friends flooded my inventory because THEY wanted to be #1000.

So, I kept going and going and going.
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Post by Kudosandhuzzah »

I used to spend all of my NP on my pets, but I finished my last account a few months ago and don't even have any petpets left to save for. Now I basically spend all of my time on Neo working on my brand new NeoHome and putting things in my pretty gallery (how original I know).

I think the revamp would have bothered me a lot more had I not finished with my pets (and not recently splurged on the Royalboy Kyrii I just decided I needed).
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